so a good thing happened. after struggling with our current TL for whole last year, one SSE was promoted to TL and the team got split into 2. now our team has the new TL which is strict but a much more responsible lead and a good friend.
and in a striking change of culture, she has askedus to define our own KPIs rather than using the pre default KPIs. our predefined KPIs were weird :

- number of sprint spillovers >> to minimise
- number of POCs , learning sessions done >> min 2 in year
- number of prod bugs caused >> to minimise
-instancee of coding standards miss >> to minimise

i kind of excelled in all , yet got an 86/100 rating. previous TL was an asshole , so that also contributed to a lower rating without reasoning.

but since now i have the opportunity, what do you suggest should be ideal KPIs for a software engineer 1?

  • 0
    KPIs are bollocks. If the powers that be insist on you having them, make them stuff like "do your annual fire safety training".
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