random writing on wall : "new mcDonalds burger for just Rs 99/-" (* 10% GST)
me : "oh that's easy. 99+ 10% of 99 = 9.9 , so total will be 108.9
random DSA question in interview : "given a number n, write a program to break it into n parts, such that product of all parts is the highest for given number n. like for 10, 4x3x3 is 36, 4x3x2x1 is24, 5x5 is 25, and thus the correct answer is 4x3x3"

me : 💀💀💀🏳️🏳️🏳️🏳️

seriously though why the fuck is this programming so difficult. I also learnt java c++ python and various languages during my education days, and currently using it to create awesome buttons and ui screens which is being used by millions of people,

but why the interviewers have to ask questions that results in such a horrific use of these beautiful languages!?!

these non realistic stuff are not at all intuitive and will only result in people who likes to mug up these questions and their solutions to keep winning in life

  • 0
    I wonder if programmers having no social life is why interviewers ask riddles instead of gauging relevant skills. It's completely irrational, it doesn't even accurately measure the effort invested in practicing for the interview, so I can only imagine it exists to entertain the interviewer.
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