Damn brain fog returns. What’s the best stim to get out of this that isn’t cocaine, and I already take adderall and no I’m not taking a higher dose lol

I can’t do shit

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    Coffee and picking these up from your mom:
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    You know I am kidding right? right?
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    @Demolishun lol 😁 I know
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    I just went on a rabbit hole and ordered uridine which is apparently sold in supplement form

    first dose seemed promising

    to be fair I don't just have "brain fog"... like 90% of my previous brain function is gone.. my IQ dropped by 25 points, and my left side burns and is partially numb all the time, my feet and legs progressively numb, and I've had tinnitus all year... sometimes I go deaf or have night blindness. I literally can't pay attention to what's in front of me 30% of the time, much less have my previous 7 lanes of thoughts going all at once, and the fucking dementia

    well anyway

    uridine is apparently a nootropic. but how is pseudo uridine going to make you uridine deficient? 🤷

    my life is a joke
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    @jestdotty is ur entire left side burning up?
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    Unironically sleep, like a lot. If you have trouble sleeping, consult a sleep doctor/clinic. Sleeping is fundamental to your 🧠.
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    Not sure it'll do much if you're already on adderall, but seen as I don't have any of that my go to is adding some L-Theanine to my coffee. It might be worth checking out the nootropics subreddit too, brain fog questions come up on there fairly regularly.
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