
What's you favourite (dev-related) YouTuber / Podcaster / etc. ?

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    I don't listen to any dev related podcasts (if anybody knows any good ones I'd be happy to lissten to them), but I listen to "Hello Internet" and 'Huston we have a Podcast".
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    Siraj rawal
    Coding train
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    Siraj was a giant cringe during his rap dev time 😐 But his lessons are very interesting and deep. He also appearently quit rapping, so that’s great
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    Google Developers http203
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    Siraj I can say is the most interesting channel I found, just that the materials r too heavy for my brain 😂😂
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    A French dude named Grafikart, he has a nice southern accent, but he helped me understand tons of concepts that I use everyday

    Otherwise, GoRails is pretty good
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    Juriy Bura
    Traversy Media
    The net ninja
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    The new Boston
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    MPJ of funfunfunction and Wes Bos for Javascript
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    Sirajs old videos were so fast that I had to slow it down to understand it, but newer vids are very informative
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    You guys know sentdex? He's great
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    @IndoDev yes, that true, I stop watching after a few mins in most cases, but he motivated me to learn things about AI (I've read a book called "Make your own Neural Network" and ordered a second one about AI and ML in general)
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    Matt Hopson (?)
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