
Because writing code in latex is ugly, had to make a website to auto generate styled code for me:


Here’s a preview of a piece of code, in pdf, not an image

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    It seemed to have generated something for Java code. Strangely, it started coloring right at the opening brace following the main method
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    @asgs well because the parser is only for python, so maybe it didn’t even pick up that syntax tree
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    @K-ASS your orange peeler didn't peel my banana right.

    Are you using a full python parser, or did you handroll the parts you need?
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    @lorentz I’m using tree sitter to generate the syntax tree then recurse over the tree. Most of the nodes don’t need special cares
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    May I introduce you to typst!
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    very c00I I00king f0nt!
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    this loop looks hella packed. And i guess as longs as you never need to deal with this code it would be fine.

    pretty cool regardless
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    @galena oh my it does look very fancy
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    @thebiochemic well it’s just for demo purposes
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    @kiki I feel like this is sarcasm and I checked the code, I don’t think I mistyped a o to 0 though
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    @K-ASS n0, I just have “exes and…” and “she in French” keys br0ken
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    Two things:

    0. Line comment outlining what each block is doing is top notch. All you're missing is adding a fucking newline before the comment so that I can discern the blocks at a glance.

    1. I'd prefer writing function arguments after a newline too just to evade line wrapping, though that is more subjective.

    But you're doing bpy stuff which is commendable. I salute you, fellow Blenderhead.
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    @Liebranca bruh the core functionality of the website is highlighting, there is no reformatting
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    @K-ASS Then I hereby challenge your ass to either apply it by hand or add it in ;>
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    @Liebranca here, this code is completely generated by ChatGPT, you can challenge his ass
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    @K-ASS It incosistently applies the line comment rule and very much shits on the line wrapping rule; 4/10, a dumb human could do it better.
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    @Liebranca I’m dumber than chatgpt
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