Buzz buzz bitchhhh

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    pssst... hey kid... want some pollen?
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    I smiled from bee pic; thank you
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    Dude... a wasp nest from last year just came back alive. Sprayed the hell outta it last year, assumed itd be dead still.

    It's behind the driver's side, side view mirror. I wasnt wanting to drive with my window down. If i have the mirror at a very specific angle the adult wasps I've seen, apparently, can't get out...but im pretty sure they laid eggs. I need to remember to buy wasp spray when im out next.
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    @awesomeest best way is to just get in there and squash em
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    @awesomeest I have a huge phobia of bees or any other fly that has a stinger on its ass. Even more than spiders, I can tolerate Shelob from lord of the rings but cringe when I see a huge bee or any of these nature shows where the guy stings himself

    I can’t be in the same room as one, even if it’s an innocent fat bumble
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    @shovethisrant yeah... but its a really narrow space behind my side view mirror... so not a simple option.
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    @awesomeest kill them with insecticide spray.
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    @TeachMeCode normal ant spray/etc wont work. I need to remember to buy a can of wasp killer
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    @awesomeest yeah a damn simple honey bee sting is enough to drive my body crazy. I remember at age 14 I got too close to a nest in the woods and a swarm of honeybees staring chasing me, stinging my face and ears. I ran my ass off but they won. Had my face covered in oregano and butter to soothe the pain 🤣🤣 (I don’t recall details but it was seasoning and my mom had me wear this concoction)

    Ironically spiders don’t disturb me even giant African tarantulas but if I even see something make that circular hover bees make I jump a bit 😂

    Wasps are bigger stronger more aggressive, yeah kill the nest and every fucking bug that lives in that thing, get one sting on your painful side and you’ll be on more opiates than ozzy
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    @TeachMeCode damn if I didn’t know any better I’d put u and ur butter bod on a pizza pie Italian smellin mf
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    @shovethisrant well I do have quite a bit of Italy chef boyardee blood/ancestry in me 😂

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    Let’s make pizza with Food Dip

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    @TeachMeCode it’s wild how most of this channels content is just awkward silence
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    @shovethisrant bc it involves eating fast food in a car with random strangers picked up from fucks knows
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    And that woman in the vid is either really dumb or high as a fucking kite
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    @shovethisrant the guy was winded grating cheese, he needs gym time. Badly. He was huffin n puffin like a choo choo train
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    @TeachMeCode muscle twitched for 3 seconds, time to do an Xbox break for 5 hours
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    @shovethisrant the fat dude was eating at a Chinese buffet with this woman who’s head was super in the clouds. She kept saying shit like how she met an Indian at a Saturn shop and asked if he’s from Saturn and he said (I’ll assume jokingly) he was and she’s convinced that aliens from fucking Saturn came down to team up with the Indians to create saturn cars!!!
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    @TeachMeCode chill on the cool whip ur gonna become a koala
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    @TeachMeCode also I have a requirement for you to listen to this one https://youtu.be/p3KpUO6t9qQ/...
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    @awesomeest spray the nest with cool whip

    Or spray the outside with cool whip, and wait for the wasps to leave the nest due to being attracted by sugar. Then once they’re all out, destroy the nest and they’ll finally leave to find another place to castle build where they know they won’t have their nest destroyed
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