
Fuck you AMD for being too lazy to implement VK_EXT_fragment_shader_interlock even though your hardware supports it [1]

It's literally *the* best way to implement any sort of order independent transparency ( https://web.archive.org/web/... )

But noo, not enough people are using it so too bad. Now you just have to render transparent objects all fucked up and bad looking on AMD hardware because "we don't feel like it"

[1] https://github.com/GPUOpen-Drivers/...

  • 8
    that's awfully specific 🤔
  • 5
    @kobenz It is! I wanna use the damn vulkan extension for my game engine but it's only supported on intel and nvidia. The guy in the github issue recommends manually rendering the first two alpha layers but that is both slower (you have to render all translucent objects twice) and even then only sorts the two first layers of translucent objects. Everything behind that will looked screwed up
  • 5
    So I remember a while back that NVidia support on Linux was awesome. Then it wasn't. When it wasn't AMD support was awesome. Are we back to AMD support sucking and Nvidia support is awesome on Linux again?

    This kind of shit makes me not think Linux can be a good gaming platform.
  • 8
    @Demolishun Funnily enough AMD *does* support the extension on both macOS and linux but not on windows... I don't know man
  • 7
    I was working on a little engine with OpenGL some years ago, it's on hold right now, but I vaguely remember having trouble with transparent objects, and subsequently going out of my way in redesigning the cell and grid structures to make sorting by distance to camera *every frame* to be as fast as I could make it.

    This would also build an occluder mask, so meshes were excluded from being drawn along the way, and that would leave me with one ordered batch I could render with very few calls. It was a piece of shit clusterfuck system; it worked flawlessly.

    But... you're telling me I DIDN'T have to do that?!!! AGHGHGHGHGHHGHGHG!!
  • 1
    @12bitfloat that is cursed then. But it has support from Direct X? That would be THE platform you would support.
  • 1
    @12bitfloat this just screws any cross platform support in vulkan for AMD. I wonder how Godot solves this issue?
  • 2
    @Demolishun It really sucks because this is by far the best way to implement order independent transparency

    Like the guy in the github issue recommends you can also implement this with something called "depth peeling" which I guess most other games do, but it's worse because it's slower, more complex to implement and worse in quality if you are looking through more than two transparent surfaces (which is literally just one hollow transparent object)
  • 9
    @kobenz Their name is 12bitfloat. Of course the stuff is gonna be awfully specific.
  • 1
    @12bitfloat dont get made. Learn C and how to make your own drivers... then they can't control u.
  • 1
    @Demolishun gaming on linux never seems valid to me.
  • 0
    @awesomeest when I running only Linux I found a lot of fun games. However the ones I like to play now are a pain in the ass on Linux. If I could go back to my Windows 7 that never updated I would. A golden era where I learned that if you bought OEM version it never ran updates (or some weird shit). Didn't get updates for 10 years. It was glorious. Shit just worked and I never got "hacked".
  • 1
    @Demolishun if you ever need to cut the balls off of a windows system just let me know... ive been doing it over 2 decades
  • 2
    @Demolishun glorious days. GunZ, Tibia, Need for Speed Underground, Counter Strike 1.6, DotA, Castle of Wolfenstein... Skipping school to hit the lan house. I'd spend a whole afternoon staring at that Win7 screen.
  • 0
    @awesomeest gaming on linux is not any different from windows, if your games are on steam. If they're not, you just install the windows version via steam and add them as non steam games.

    I'm currently playing ELDEN RING with that seamless coop mod with my gf. Ubuntu & Windows.
  • 1
    @thebiochemic by you saying it's not any different, im thinking you don't really understand the mechanics behind these processes... and when youre saying 'on steam' youre only ref to the games that play through steam as an emulator, which gets more complex as spec reqs go up.

    To be clear, im not talking about the user experience for games thatd be generally low req. Im talking about the games that need to work with the OS and the general efficiency of things like the emulator of steam. These things typically arent noticed by users until it's hit a threshold of crashing or near unplayable... or fucked up shit elsewhere. They, and things with the same variety of catch-all mechanics, tend to use more resources than otherwise necessary.
  • 1
    @awesomeest I just don't think my 1500 mod modlist for Skyrim would play nice with Linux. I have modlists that are in the hundreds of gigabytes that I like to play. They push the machine to cry. Yeah, playing a lightly modded Skyrim would work fine. But I don't ever play a lightly modded Skyrim. Another problem is all the good tooling works well in Windows due to specific Windows features. Like Mod Organizer 2. It creates a fake filesystem using features of NTFS. This allows the entire folder of Skyrim to be virtualized. So you can have as many modding setups as you want (pending disk space). Last I checked this doesn't work in Linux.
  • 1
    @awesomeest i absolutely understand the mechanics behind that stuff and i don't necessarily disagree, but as you also mentioned, i talk about the user experience. And im pretty sure that an average gamer does the same. Either thing work, or thing no work.

    And for me thing work.

    For context "thing work" refers to VR Games like half life alyx, boneworks, VR Chat and similar. Need for Speed heat, Elden ring as mentioned but also DS1 Remaster and DS3. All the borderlands games (including 3). Fallout 4 with tons of Mods. and more, but you get the point.
  • 0
    if you dont believe me btw, just check out protondb.com

    Only big caveat is that proton only supports some anti-cheat variants. which makes games like for example destiny 2 unplayable
  • 1
    @thebiochemic how do you do the modlist for FO4? I use MO2 because of the virtualization, but it also snags a copy of the exec folder. So if FO4 gets updated it doesn't ruin my rig.
  • 1
    @Demolishun i do it the old school way. But luckily for it it works pretty much identical in skyrim and games like Morrowind, where you just slap the files and esps in the appropriate folders and then activate them in the launcher/adjust the config.

    i never used mod managers, unless they were builtin (including games like minecraft, probably because i used to mod MC before mod managers even existed). But maybe i need to look into MO2, because that makes helluva lot of sense.
  • 1
    Man now i want to install FO4 again 🤣
  • 1
    @thebiochemic modding to me is a pain the ass these days. Memory dll fixes, patches for this and for that. I use lists from Wabbajack because I don't have time to figure all that shit out. I can plop down a huge modlist, pretested with hundreds of mods in a couple of hours. Doing that much by hand would take months.

    Yeah, I downloaded a modlist for FO4 a little while back. I did it before they updated the engine. So if I want to go blasting I can.

    If you play again, and hate the starting dialog with Piper at the gate. You can punch her, then put away your hands. They will stop aggroing you and open the gate. Zero dialog with Piper if you want.
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    @kobenz graphics programming is awfully specific. Which is one of the reasons why it can be specifically infuriating.

    graphics API like Vulkan or OpenGL are essentially specifications, it is up to vendors to implement the standard into their systems, which makes it all the more sdfh@#$fsdkj
  • 1
    I recall this particular extension being a pain point for emulator development, it was a while back, I would have believed they (AMD) eventually caved in and went back to their decision of not to implement this on their chip, but according to old reddit (from 5 years ago) this is their response:

    "Whilst we could potentially support this feature, we don't see any use of this functionality in typical applications using our drivers (mostly desktop gaming). This functionality is exposed via DirectX (ROVs) and sees no real use outside of a handful of demo applications."
  • 1

    "Additionally, this is an inefficient method of performing the typical thing it's often advocated for - order independent transparency. For such an effect we would usually recommend using one of the many two-pass OIT algorithms out there, and making use of multiple subpasses, with the second pass doing the resolve. This is likely the most portably efficient mechanism you can use that works between desktop and mobile parts. We're thus not inclined to support it, as we'd rather not promote an inefficient technology."
  • 1
    @Demolishun MO2 works just fine under Proton, and Proton is not an emulator. It's a syscall wrapper (more specifically, it's a wine fork.) It's not emulating any parts of x86 machines, and as such it doesn't work properly on ARM if you try to use x86 executables, or vice versa.

    Additionally... *only* 1500 mods? I ran FONV out of memory constantly even after using the 4GB patch. I wish Bethesda mod devs would stop putting out singular weapons as self-contained mods for that very reason and more.
  • 0
    @awesomeest Proton (and Wine by extension) don't emulate anything, they just wrap syscalls. They use more resources in games, yes, but things like Zink and DXVK usually make up for it, when they're not providing anywhere from minor to significant speedups. It's also a fairly trivial amount of resources used, considering what the projects have accomplished. Memory overhead is less than 100MB, and I barely notice the CPU usage bump on an underclocked Ryzen 7 5700x.
  • 1
    @Demolishun I just re-read your post, MO2 doesn't use "NTFS-specific" features, and Linux has overlayfs, which is a hell of a lot more robust anyway. I didn't have to set anything super special up to get it working for FONV, FO3, or SSE. You have to use a special community installer to get it working, but this is due to a bug in the MO2 prefix switching.

    It also doesn't "take a snapshot of the exec directory", NTFS doesn't have snapshot support and that would lead to infinite amounts of bloat (and accusations of enabling piracy.) Imagine having six mod profiles and having to wait while MO2 switches between six entire installations of Skyrim.
  • 0
    @Parzi reread my commentary just to be sure-- no clue where youre getting that i think proton is an emulator... also, you claiming that you dont "notice" it effecting your performance kinda validates my side point here. I dont really think anyone modding/creating/etc shit that's also a dev, should be qualifying resource pull by 'well i dont see my hardware overloaded to a seizure-esq level; must be totally fine'. Maybe im just on a much more base level than typical 'devs' nowadays.

    Especially with modern hardware, half-baked dev, diy envs and tools that 'fix' the issues of bloat and inadequate programming by supporting naivete via a cycle of ignorant capitalist over-consumerism (and im actually quite the capitalist), this kind of habitual resource taxing until it breaks (or seems like it will) is a real issue.

    Game dev, even modding, used to actually care about not trashing your hardware. Idk your age, but if you look at old DOS rpgs(3½floppy) construction youd get my point.
  • 0
    @Parzi on your comment @Demolishun ... do you mean ntfs doesn't have built-in snapshot support??? And what exactly are you thinking of with "snapshot"?

    I tried going through all things i thought you might be referring to... nfts, specifically on windows, doesn't have a "snapshot" button or command... but between a simple shadow copy and basics like making a copy of your registry, you get a pretty agnostic version that's similar... there's also use of specific wim imaging, which isnt hard to switch to iso. You realise that containers (and the ability to get a stateful setup(snapshotsl on them) exists beyond Unix systems right?

    Basically, please explain because after genuinely considering every way i could think of as a meaning you meant, im even more lost as to what you could be trying to reference.
  • 0
    @awesomeest Is this not a screenshot of you referring to Steam directly as an emulator?

    I got my start in coding by modding game boy games and disassembling DOS malware. We can't hook DOS interrupts and pull off manual-timer shenanigans anymore, and if your argument is "wine/proton exist in memory, therefore more memory used, therefore bad", boy do I have bad news for you about multitasking kernels and PCI-e transfers and the UEFI standard and modern drivers and... A tradeoff of what amounts to... let's be generous to your argument, and assume Proton uses the next power of two up than it does on my machine playing Cyberpunk 2077, an incredibly demanding game:
    (256/32768)×100 = 0.78125% of my total WRAM. Typical 386 machines sold with... what, 4-16MB of memory? That'd be the equivalent of 32KB of resident memory in DOS at 4MB of WRAM. If memory serves, that's far less than SMARTDRV or MSCDEX uses in 6.22.
  • 0
    @awesomeest i was trying to figure out if they meant something like btrfs snapshots or what myself, but I know for a fact that shadow copies are handled outside the NTFS driver, and as such I don't really consider them to be "snapshots", because most files still have to be intact to use them, just like System Restore isn't a "snapshot," it's a sorry excuse for a CAB file containing a batch file to undo one set of changes at a time. Additionally, MO2 isn't using containers or virt or anything like that, I think it's literally just symlinking at runtime as needed, but I'm not at my desk to check the source rn.
  • 0
    @Parzi i see your confusion now. I said "steam" as the typical Windows one, so partially my fault. I assumed it was clear by not saying "proton" or like "linux steam" that i was referring to the base software functionality of the client.

    By "emulator" i am directly referring to it's emulation of a gaming env. Games dont run directly on the system. They run in an env that is allocated and then reallocated by the steam client (working almost in a daemon-like way) based on the game/steam's calculated (and/or assumed) required env/resources.

    I understand how proton works. Frankly, though not how i originally intended to convey, anything changing env to meet specifics of an env necessary to run something is actually an emulator. Google(collins dict) def of emulator, "software or hardware that allows one computer to perform the functions of, or execute programs designed for, another type of computer.". Doesn't matter if its a wrapper for syscalls or even a shell script-- it emulates.
  • 0
    @awesomeest "emulator" in a gaming context means it emulates either part of or an entire architecture. "Different kinds of machines" refers to architecture, not environment. Rosetta counts as an emulator, 96box is an emulator, DOSBox is an emulator... a Windows 7 program from the context of Windows 10? Not emulated. It doesn't even have to mask CPUID bits, and the syscalls are still compatible. The same would apply to ReactOS or Wine/Proton, since no recompilation is necessary and architectures didn't change, no? The argument could be made for pre-UEFI or 32-bit x86 binaries, since the architecture has changed so much that some things do have to be wrapped even in Windows natively (also, reminder that Windows' 16-bit-on-32-bit boxing has worked flawlessly through SysWOW64 as of at least Win7, it's an arbitrary restriction that you can't do that to this day) but even then no actual hardware is emulated, it's all syscalls.
  • 0
    @Parzi you definitely wont catch me calling sysrestore a snapshot... the last time i used it for a personal(which for me is also work) device was about 20yrs ago (im 32). It kept turning shit like win update back on and i kept needing to add to my batch script to restore shit i had previously cut out of the OS... so i just scripted my own automated restore mechanism instead. I haven't been able to tolerate bs like that or a typical, no xml answer file, no initial script that mods shit like 'we know you explicitly started "administrator" version... but are you really, super-duper sure that you want that?' crap in nearly 2 decades as well. I had to do an unscripted os init months ago... I've never been more confident in my middle-school self's decision making ability and wisdom. I wont be doing it again.

    Why does it matter if the original ntfs driver is making the 'snapshot'? Shadowcopy isnt lightweight/optimal, just one of many mechanisms depending on what you need in a "snapshot".
  • 0
    @awesomeest I completely forgot to mention that MO2 doesn't need admin privs, and both sysrestore and shadow copies need admin privs to use. Not something you should be handing out and making on every launch of notoriously flaky games. (These also wouldn't work in Proton, but again, MO2 does work there, "virtual fs" and all. I suspect the name is super misleading.)

    And yes, pretty much all the recovery options in Windows since fucking ME have been a joke, outside "here's a command prompt, have a good day." Modern Windows' "factory reset" is also half lies, 90% of it is just running sfc /scannow and obliterating (some) registry changes. It still does nothing against any sort of prolific malware in general.
  • 0
    @Parzi just because you think of an emulator differently based on how you use one for gaming, has no actual effect on the definition. You might as well tell me that "VPN" actually means "proxy server" or "device cloaking"... sure, if you want to use a proxy app from the play store they all show as "VPN", but a bunch of people getting it wrong for so long that apps started using a wrong title to compete for downloads doesn't change the definition... well unless you like Merriam-Webster style revisionism. Nowadays, acc to mw, words like "thru", "donut" and "ain't" are all valid words... just not in any other physical english dictionaries.

    32-bit being supported on 64-bit is an emulation as well. The use of syscalls doesn't change the modified functionality. VMs and a bunch of other things are all using emulators too. Even doing shit like when i was a kid and i made a batch script for my brother's laptop cuz i was tired of fixing it so i ricky-proofed it was technically an emulator too.
  • 0
    @awesomeest oh god, where to begin?

    - VPN stands for Virtual Private Network, in essence, it routes more than just HTTP requests through another device or set of devices, things like TCP/UDP/ICMP would be included there as well. A proxy is not a VPN, no, almost all VPN providers route all traffic because they all use either OpenVPN (it's in the name, dude) or Wireguard (their site plainly says it is a VPN library https://www.wireguard.com/ and it also routes almost all traffic.)

    - Merriam-Webster has been revising dictionaries yearly since computers were popular enough to warrant CD-ROM releases, and periodically since 1807. All of their other competitors also do this, which is why definitions and which words are considered "proper" change over time. Half the words we've referred to aren't in the 1807 version, they're still proper words. It's almost as if languages change over time, based on popular opinion (as long as you're not French)

    I had to get out of bed for this. 1/?
  • 0
    @Parzi trust me, i fully comprehend the shit back-up methods of windows... since i was 10 or so ive been installing a custom os (it can think its windows) on a hidden partition on any pc my mother used cuz i knew id need to fix it... she has alchemy-level powers of breaking things in ways i cant figure out. Id just fix her os from my working os. DOS (5.0.2) is my favourite os, i even have an unopened copy.
    I started scripting past large portions of windows back in early 2000s when i couldn't use the +/- keys in mspaint to change the brush or eraser size infinitely. It wouldn't let me use the old version of mspaint... im autistic, hyperintelligent and was highly unsupervised. I dont take most unwanted changes, or really anything that annoys me, well; i rewrite them instead.
    My knowledge of file systems literally is down to the bits. ChatGPT calls me legacy and diskpart is my happy place. Yes, i realise im strange.

    Win disk defrag-- also a joke.
  • 0
    @awesomeest 32-bit runtimes on 64-bit in Windows aren't emulated. The hardware natively supports the same 32-bit modes as it did back then. The only things that have changed are the programs around the software, and per literally any other definition aside from Mirriam-Webster (remember, they're not trustworthy, per your own admission) states "In computing, an emulator is hardware or software that enables one computer system (called the host) to behave like another computer system (called the guest). An emulator typically enables the host system to run software or use peripheral devices designed for the guest system. Emulation refers to the ability of a computer program in an electronic device to emulate (or imitate) another program or device." Flipping one bit in the environment does not an emulator make, which you keep claiming. That's verifiably false, and comes off as troll behavior. 2/?
  • 0
    @awesomeest For someone who claims to know a lot about 16-bit x86 workings, you would know about real/protected modes and how those are the first real "emulation" tools on x86, because those workings are critical to the operation of anything much more complex than COMMAND.COM itself. Emulators existed before then, there were some interesting things going on in software on the C64 and Amiga to emulate some old punchcard systems, but considering those machines didn't win out when they had every right to, I won't consider them here. Emulation does not mean "literally anything changed", and stepping any Turing-complete machine once does not constitute emulation, but you make the argument that if "even the environment changes", it counts as emulation. Somehow, you've performed worse revisionism on a word than you claim MW has at any time, because at least MW makes decisions based on common vernacular, and not singular headcanon. 3/3, jesus, they need to up the character count.
  • 0
    Lol... trust me, you don't want to get into a linguistics debate with me. Feel free to contact me any non-public way if you want verifiable creds on that front (i have odd problems, one of them is too many titles in other fields only intended as personal interest/hobby). Short version: i know a bunch of languages and have been effectively creating/winning wars of words since at least 1st grade. I technically broke no rules, but still accomplished making a group of boys cry to the teacher (literally) because i was doing shit like calling them "bipedal pedestrians".

    VPN... you got what the letters stand for, but apparently not the scope. It's literally any virtual, private, network... wlan, bluetooth, everything between, etc. Proxy is exactly what the original word means. It's something that acts in place of something else. Networking proxies simply act on behalf of the user input... whether sending, recieving or both. A vpn using proxy routing doesnt mean vpn=proxy.
  • 0
    @awesomeest Right, right, "the phrase that has a standardized definition to prevent miscommunication between professionals? no, i'm gonna break it into pieces and treat each individual word as separate, then pull meaning from there." We can air this out in public if you want, but you're gonna need to adopt industry standard meanings if you want anyone to know what the hell you're talking about. As an Asperger's-afflicted mistake baby myself, you should know already how to act in social spaces to not be misinterpreted, if you are indeed old enough to be on this site. At minimum, you should know that deliberately smearing definitions to win an argument only weakens your case, though you appear to be waiting for me to just give up and then claim you were right.

    1/?. again. why do you make me do this?
  • 0
    @awesomeest As for scope, the loosest definition I can find that is common denotes that "A VPN is created by establishing a virtual point-to-point connection through the use of tunneling protocols over existing networks." A proxy (definition as used by EVERYONE BUT YOU, apparently: "Instead of connecting directly to a server that can fulfill a request for a resource, such as a file or web page, the client directs the request to the proxy server, which evaluates the request and performs the required network transactions.") does not tunnel traffic, but merely redirects it. Minimal to no post-processing should be done to traffic coming out of a proxy request. A VPN does a lot more than that, whether it be extra obfuscation (optional) or full traffic routing instead of higher-level resource fetching. These differ both on paper and in practice: instead of "go fetch this URL for me", a VPN is "here's packet data, i'll handle the rest."

  • 0
    @awesomeest By your custom definition of "proxy = VPN = \"anything that changes or routes traffic\"", a Unix-style socket, any networking request individually, a serial connection, a driver, or any other even minor change to the analog values flying down the copper coming out of your PC counts as a VPN. This is completely ridiculous, and you know it. I'd love to see your credentials, because even a basic class at a library teaching the elderly how to apply for a job probably results in a definition of VPN closer to the official definitions than yours. The fact that you are willing to argue about public definitions of standardized interfaces indicates that you're only here to stir shit. I would prefer that you either ask your local elementary school janitor to teach you these things, or look them up yourself.

    post "i don't fucking care anymore"/"this is bullshit"
  • 0
    You're making up shit to attempt to make your point. I never said changing 1 bit made an emulator... but technically it could. The complexity of an emulation doesn't change if it's an emulator or not. Devs use emulators daily... jvm, wsl, etc.

    It's way simpler than you're realising. If you wanna delude yourself into some high, application level, functionality being required to emulate something, you will, regardless of reality. Personally, im curious as to the ability level of any dev that fights on a groundless front that imposes relatively abstract concepts of basic system functionalities, like emulation. Nearly everything a typical dev does includes emulators on some level. Try using js without jre or any version of similar functionality. You were around to remember when you had to manually update browsers with java attachments? Just because they are built-in now doesnt change their existence either.

    Btw, noice on hyperbolic paraphrasing while calling me the troll.
  • 1
    @awesomeest If we're just making a list of bullet points on why each person is wrong:

    - this is not a formal debate. you are pixels on my screen. you're being deliberately obtuse to win an argument online.

    - You are correct in that WSL is technically emulated (it's around halfway to a VM, and can be called emulation to some degree) but the JVM is complicated, because it is closer to an OS that runs a scripting language than an emulator.

    - These are not "delusions" if the common definitions, both from official and unofficial sources, agree with me.

    - JavaScript does not run under Java, so "try using js without jre or any version of similar functionality" is a daily occurence for those partaking in JS.

    - if we're sticking to pointing out logical fallacies like this is reddit, "Personally, im curious as to the ability level of any dev that fights on a groundless front that imposes relatively abstract concepts of basic system functionalities, like emulation." is ad hominem.
  • 0
    @Parzi ok... so i finally understand the level of the person i was attempting to have a valid discussion with. My bad. You're clearly one of those people who just learns shit half-assed then fills the rest with assumptions that you cement in as if flawlessly accurate. Your comment about ad hominem makes this clear.

    Ad hominem is literally 'at the person'. When it is used in something like "ad hominem attacks" for discussion, it's a flawed arguement that tries to insist the validity of someone's stance based on the unrelated trait(s) person giving the arguement. A valid example of an ad hominem attack is when this islamic kid in our discord server saw me mention the Quran, responding while i was away. A dev friend commented back and the kid got annoyed so responded to him 'youre a dev, go do dev things...(it was long)' as if being a dev somehow negates knowing religious texts.

    I commented as curious about the dev ability of someone not understanding a dev thing. Totally different
  • 0
    @awesomeest Incorrect. I'll try links this time, since I don't have much else to say on the matter and I can actually fit them in this time.






    Calling an argument "a groundless front" due to "their ability level" when only having one interaction with a person is textbook ad hominem.
  • 0
    @Parzi also, ad hominem actually, innately, isn't a logical fallacy... it's often using implications that tend to be logical fallacy. All it means is you're attacking the person instead of the actual argument. If you have a surgeon that kills so many paitents from lack of knowing basic protocols and procedures, so you point that out as why their opinions(not facts) aren't to be viewed as valid when they are on safe, successful surgeries... makes total sense. The closest to that arguement that's actually invalid ad hominem is if they only had issues the times they were drunk in the OR and they were sober whilst debating their views. Though in that case, it wouldn't be typical ad hominem to negate their claims and/or integrity by stating they are a reckless/murderous drunk.

    My arguement is directly related to curiosity as to your engineering ability (ofc i have assumptions but since im still, literally, curious, i dont have a direct opinion).
  • 0
    @Parzi just to be crystal clear so you stop playing mad libs with my phrasing...

    I am CURIOUS as to your ability. It it LITERAL. I am, naturally, extremely, literal. Feel free to check my posts anywhere for confirmation of this. I have no opinion on your actual ability because ive never seen any actual ability of you... Not that i wouldn't be surprised if you ended up being amazing at dev, especially with your apparent inability to comprehend this thread. Your twisted responses are making me less curious. At least b2plane is more entertaining. Though he's given several actual reasons to assume he's not a great dev, ive still never actually seen his work so and am still curious as to his abilty... youre several rungs below him on my curiosity now.
  • 0
    @awesomeest If i'm being completely honest: I know people making six figs in dev that say they are highly impressed by my work, but my actual code quality is garbage so I'm not sure what the fuck they mean

    My current projects are:
    - DOS-installer-on-CD (more than just batch files and ZIPs, still working on figuring out cross-installation of incompatible DOS versions. current total uncompressed size of all included software: 2.8GB. ISO size: currently ~400MB)
    - Tool to relink arbitrary data blobs (makes things like ROM hacks or general code/data insertion easier, requires less work than using Ghidra and minimal architecture knowledge, all you need are pointers. Currently developing alongside port of Action 52 to a better mapper.)
    - Toolkit to build a modern Linux environment on old Unix environments (currently Solaris 7.)
    - Linux 3DS port (the kernel is a nightmare inside. would not recommend)

    Are any of these written well? No, I wouldn't say they are. They do, however, pass the time.
  • 1
    @Parzi MO2 has the option for a Stock Game folder which acts like the game exe folder. This allows you to run completely independent lists with even different versions of the exe. I don't know how that is created, but MO2 supports that. So if the game updates it doesn't wreck your list. It is probably a selection in the program somewhere for this feature. This is nice if you want to run SE and AE at the same time with Skyrim. Or run a specific version.

    Good news on it being able to run under Linux.
  • 1
    @Demolishun I haven't seen that option around. I know two things don't work: you need one MO2 install per game as game switching breaks things, and Nexus link management is flaky but generally works with whichever copy is currently open (but it can't start MO2 directly from the browser.)
  • 0
    @Parzi yeah, that is how I run it on windows. I really need to know how wabbajack works under linux. I run lists from there mostly.
  • 0
    @Parzi so... im not sure what country/currency you go by... but most devs i know make 6 figures usd.

    I'm curious, why would they be so impressed but not get you a job? Ive never requested or applied for a dev/engineering job in my adult life, any remaining CVs out there dont even list tech shit.

    That said, i get at least a few offers a year, lowest of last 3 years was 127k with some awesome perks, highest was 260k, but i had consulted for that company before so i suspect they highly preferred the abilty to have me available and in-house... and likely save a bit from my typical consulting cost. I have immediately rejected them for several reason (any that knew me completely expected that and even had authorisation to generously negotiate... still rejected).

    I wish i had time to do extra pass-the-time projects, but that's a pipe dream, and my fault.
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    @awesomeest They've set up interviews, got ghosted after. As usual. Your guess is as good as mine.
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    @AleCx04 That's actually exactly the feature I'm talking about lol

    ROV (rasterizer order views) is the directx name for it
  • 0
    @Parzi well, though im rather expecting you to somehow take this as some next-level diss of some form, it's not (nor would anything of a similar nature be).

    If you ever want an opinion on the specifics and/or likely reason(s) you got ghosted, you're welcome to contact me on tg @awesomeest or discord sara.awesomeest

    i highly prefer voice calls (i multitask very well and have tons to catch up on that requires my valid hand)... so if you're willing to talk and dont have/want those other methods, you can contact me at awesomeest@gmail.com for my number (or skype/whatever)
    i normally would give a locally created/served address but doing reconfigs on that server on and off today.
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    @Demolishun Wabbajack may not work, since the MO2 installer is bypassed with the following script. I forgot to actually link to it last time. https://github.com/rockerbacon/...
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    @thebiochemic you said ELDEN RING fellow tarnished! Have you tried the dlc yet? Brutal as fuck! I just kinda started and made my way thru castle ensis and noped out at the boss. I’ll just submit a bad review for being difficult instead of actually going back to the boss later after I’ve explored the land and leveled up a few times 🤡
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    @TeachMeCode not yet, i'm waiting for the devs fix the seamless coop mod. But from what ive heard it's frikkin solid!
    Can't wait.

    On nexus mods they posted, that the mod will be fixed by the end of this week maybe? So that's cool
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    @thebiochemic I’ll have to look that up. If you choose the DLC prepare for an ass whoopin. That dlc is hard even by Elden Ring standards
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    @TeachMeCode yeah, that's how all DLCs are aswell from the dark souls games. It's great honestly ^^

    That seamless coop mod allows you to play with up to 4 (or even 6?) people at the same time, through the whole game. Just be aware that the enemies scale with the amount of players too.

    The caveat is, that you play without the elden ring servers, so no hints or invades. It's a slightly different playstyle but a whole lot of fun nevertheless 👌
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