If your relative's computer doesn't have a TeamViewer (or similar) client running 24/7, you're a failure and deserve to have your rant privileges revoked.

  • 0
    I really cba with that.
    Can solve most of their issues through ssh anyways.
  • 3
    Calling somebody a failure for not wanting your relatives PC to get abused by somebody, since teamviewer is known for that?
  • 0
    @lotd Good luck "Putting the Facebook icon back on my desktop page" over ssh ;)
  • 0
    $ echo "[Desktop Entry]
    Icon=facebook.ico" >> ~/.local/share/applications/Facebook.desktop

    $ chmod +x ~/.local/share/applications/Facebook.desktop

    $ ln -s ~/.local/share/applications/Facebook.desktop ~/Desktop/Facebook.desktop

    That will probably do.

    Might need to grab the icon from the web though or just lazy it to text-html ;D
  • 0
    @lotd That would've been terrific but Windows :(
  • 0
    @waitwhat Oh yeah. On windows, well.. Maybe remote powershell :)

  • 0
    @lotd Very impressive indeed :) But how would you tackle good old "the thing comes up on my screen and I can't go back so I switch it off"?

    (All based on true stories)
  • 0
    @waitwhat psKill it with a -t ;)

    if it's something that sometimes pops up, i'd monitor & log the processes with psList and manually evaluate and kill the process(es) :p

    if psTools isn't available, taskList & probably Powershell's Invoke-Command + a bit manual scripting :p

    Powershell's Get-Process could probably substitute for taskKill, if it's been disabled...
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