  • 78
    ssh dummy-parent
    sudo apt remove propaganda trustmedia
    sudo apt install brain intelligence libcommonsense
    sudo reboot
  • 114
    Does sudo really works that well? Lemme try,

    Sudo upvote
  • 11
    @Root I can't tell if you are calling the parent a dummy or why you need to trust the media after you remove propaganda but you used sudo so shit
  • 21
    hey want to hear another joke? .... flat earthers
  • 6
    Anyway sometimes when I have saw this lolcows online perhaps the most simple thing you can do since they wont accept most of the science you present them is to say, ok I will humour you and say yeah ok, vaccines cause autism... so what? what you prefer? an autist kid or a fucking dead kid?
  • 2
    @legionfrontier I saw a documentary about that on my satellite tv subscription.
  • 2
    @gorsamp about what exactly? flatties?
  • 7
    @legionfrontier I was joking. If you have satellite TV and think the Earth is flat, it's contradictory. Just like watching a tube TV, which bends electrons the same way as used in mass spectrometry, which is how we carbon date materials, means it is contradictory to believe in Creationism.

    If you think the satellite works then the Earth has got to be round.
  • 1
    @gorsamp why the fuck are you explaning that to me as if I was one of the loonies thinking that mate :/, there are even way more observable and quite science-simple/basic maths explations that this science deniers can be given yet they deny it
  • 2
    @legionfrontier I meant no offense, wasn't trying to be condescending, I am not here to rain on your parade. I don't think you are a flat earther, I don't think you are a Creationist, fuck man, I'm just not gonna reply to you anymore.
  • 3
    Lmao what the fuck this turned to this wasn't supposed to be a political debate
  • 4
    @subversionzero >post a fucking ultra polemic image that is mostly used as a political bait thing lately
    >complains that this starts a shitstorm
    Geez mate, I dont know why this happen 😐
  • 1
    I know even Redditors knows about this shit mate so its not excuse for you wonder why this happen, this debate is like literally everywhere, twitter/facebook/imgur yadayada so there is no excuse unless you live under a literal rock
  • 5
    @jAsE ever heard of herd immunity
    It is incredibly important as there are people who can't be vaccinated for medical reasons
  • 3
    @Root B01, I would've just done sudo rm -rf /

    *laughs in natural selection*
  • 2
    @legionfrontier oh happy new year
  • 1
    @subversionzero If you are being genious there, well thank you, it will be sure not happy since I have alot of pressing matter for the start of this year like if I will be able to have a roof on me but Im grateful and I wish you the same mate, if you are memeing here, fuk u mate
  • 2
    @legionfrontier I was being 50/50 does that count as grate-fuku ?
  • 3
    @jAsE a person without vaccination might not put my health at risk because I'm vaccinated, however there are people who cannot be vaccinated for medical reasons. They are a risk to them. To prevent diseases we need herd immunity.
  • 2
    @subversionzero maybe, I have heard of some type of meme about such "Happy new year" I truly have no type whatsoever to keep up anymore with any new meme that the web shits out since I have hard matters to address lately like I have pointed out ... so redeem yourself by giving me a tl;dr explanation of it, mkay?
  • 1
    @NoMad Hello Ultra Satan, you are my role model 😈
  • 1
    If you trust the pharmaceutical companies with your health, that's your problem entirely. You want to be healthy, don't love in a giant stinking filthy human mashed-up city. No vaccine will ever save us if we keep cramming together and breeding more dangerous bugs. Now get this reddit-tier political shit out of here.
  • 1
    Such political debates lmao wtf take it as a meme and move on ffs
  • 0
    @legionfrontier chill dude just stay happy and healthy xD
  • 1
    Reddit. Tier. Political. Bullshit.
  • 3
    Hey, I know. Why not apply this line of reasoning to antivirus software too?

    Better not install Norton/Sophos/Avast/McAfee/Microsoft/ClamWin/etc. antivirus. It contains malicious code! The internet told me so, and its source/documentation is complicated and scary so that must be true. It's better that my machine doesn't have any protection from viruses at all because at least it won't have this. WannaCry? Totally better than dubious long-term side effects from antivirus that haven't been demonstrated on anyone else's machine, ever.

    Fucking really?
    You must be dense.
  • 1
    @irene yeah, perhaps not the greatest example, but imagine it in a world where viruses/etc. are basically unavoidable.

    Someone in the cafeteria has measles? Guess what, 50% chance you do now, too!
  • 0
  • 1
  • 0
    @fox8091 that is mostly if Irene was still running fucking WinXP mate
  • 1
    Sudo is kind of magical spell
  • 3
  • 1
    @Condor or sont vaccinate your kids and let them die so the strongest/smartest survives.
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