  • 2
    From article:
    > So, in my ideal world, we'd have an OS entirely without SUID

    Good luck having passwd and su without SUID
  • 1
    I like the way the comments on that seem to have descended into a pissing match over the use of the term "suid".
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    systemd can die in a fire.
  • 1
    in service to my own ignorance I shall refrain from embarrassing myself
  • 0
    @Root honest question. What do you replace it with? Sure it’s bloated, but it’s pretty useful bloat tbh.
  • 3
    @connormon It doesn’t need to exist. It started out as a bad idea, and has steadily grown like a cancer by replacing individual utilities. Because these features exist, and are somewhat coherent (that’s a stretch), people write software that uses them, thus justifying maintainers in keeping systemd, which in turn justifies the continued growth of systemd. It’s a vicious cycle.

    One of the most basic premises of Linux (*nix) is to write software that does one thing and does it well. Not only does this encourage good quality, maintainable software, but customizability and freedom as well. Systemd flies in the face of all that.

    So to answer your question: systemd should be replaced with individual utilities that make up its feature set. … which are hard to come by specifically because of systemd.
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    @connormon sysVinit, dnsmasq, udev, consolekit, syslog, cron, ifupdown, etc.

    As far as I can tell, there was [and still is] nothing wrong with them.
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    @Root counterpoint: having a lot of shit be unified makes jank-ass embedded development and porting far easier. i'd be using systemd on the 3ds linux port if i could because i can't get half the shit @netikras said to use to build in buildroot (even if the drivers to use them were there) because "waaaa i don't support building in a chroot" (udev without systemd selected) or "waaaaa i don't support non-cortex ARM" (a bunch of shit) or "waaaaaa this has to be an approved configuration that i can download a binary tarball for" (Rust, now a requirement for the fucking kernel)

    i don't need to do any of that shit for most of systemd (with exception of things like systemd-boot) and i can pick and choose what exactly I need from the ecosystem with very little hassle. it still is a bunch of single-purpose utilities that do one thing, they're just made by the same people, use the same APIs, and are all prefixed with "systemd-" to denote that. by the same logic, burn ftp.gnu.org to the ground.
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