
I got a baby (<1yr) tortoise and i named him JSON.

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    Just fyi... u can't actually tell the gender of baby tortoises for a few years... idk the specifics but i think it's when they decide for themselves.

    I'm just assuming it's a he from personality
  • 6
    @awesomeest look for json.package 😁
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    Only time will tell...
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    @Demolishun 1. You have too much time on your hands...
    2. Idk who the top one is. I suck at remembering/caring about most humans, celebrities are normally even worse; i know about 100 celeb type people total.

    Back to 1... wanna sign an NDA and do something more fun, shiny and dev-able with your time and apparent inclinations?
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    Can you run doom on it?
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    @TeachMeCode dude... im totally gonna start making odd packages when i need to switch tasks for a bit... just a bunch of misleadingly named packages with connections to a red-foot tortoise... given my distaste for the asinine nature of python i think i might start there... itll be asinine but in a more valid and personally amusing way
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    @netikras got a friend who says I excel at doom eternal due to the frantic impulsive don’t have to think twice nature and he’s totally right

    Wasn’t there an expansion where it’s super hard mode and they pit you against multiple marauders? I’d suck the dick of anyone who can take on multiple marauder bosses easily.
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    @TeachMeCode but i dont have a dick... and what if others who can do it and have a dick dont want your unskilled advances?
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    @awesomeest I’m not a fan anyway, I need a robust static typed language else I’m gonna worry shits gonna crash if I’m lookin at an app bigger than a todo list…

    I’m not a my language beats ur language type, I do my thing and everyone else does theirs with whatever lang they do best and I don’t give a rats ass. As long as i kick ass writing cool stuff (typescript or heavily OOP like Java) that’s all I care about, that’s all anyone should care about
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    @awesomeest you keep expecting me to put thought into what I say here lol. Yeah was sayin I’ll respect anyone who can take out multiples of these bosses, I haven’t tried it, I might pull it off if I warm up a bit. It just sounds daunting lol…

    Devrant is leisure time for me
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    Btw... my last turtle (res) i named TRTL 2.0, after the crypto currency/blockchain.

    When it comes to naming things im either horrible or phenomenal... depending on your view of puns. I will say that my naming of pets and things like cars is WAY better than classes and vars in general... i mean it's great if it's code no one else needs to ever understand, or if the goal is akin to good ol' obfuscated C escapades. I guess it's kinda expected that I'd naturally write code that way... coding since ~6, very self-taught, autistic and undiagnosed til adulthood and now i dont just know a nearly insane amount of words in english, but several languages. *sigh* i know i gotta write more non-sara-user friendly code... but it's soooo annoying.

    Side note, due to a couple songs that recently came up, I've realised that taste/experience/etc wise im somewhere between late 30s and middle-aged (actually 31).
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    This is so cute. Might do later. Maybe not a tortoise, and maybe JSONC, to not plagiarize.
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    I want a meerkat! They should sell meerkat leashes (or a bat/flying squirrel, we are way overdue for leashes for these creatures)
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    I’m looking up vids of attempts at walking bats flying squirrels or meerkats 😁
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    @TeachMeCode well u could get a bat and name it .bat but then youd need a bash somewhere or youd be racist... im pretty sure that's the current definition of racism?

    All these kids keep ignorantly redefining shit. A couple years ago i needed to correct a black teen on her frame of ref on racism (she was using many superlatives with something/someone im not even sure was biased much less racist). She was totally unaware that not that long ago when i was in hs there was common shit like numerous, every year, racist assholes wasting lumber to burn crosses on top of christmas lights at people's house... and hundreds of parishioners renting coach buses to go to the other side of the country to show up at a funeral of a black marine who just died in combat on behalf of usa/them.

    Yeah... Side rant...
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    @TeachMeCode i had a snapping turtle that i got for my 4th birthday (likely a questionable gift for a 4yr old in hindsight) after we moved to a sub division and snappy(i was 4) was big enough id take him on walks. I made my own leash ~6 so u should be able to figure it out. I doubt youd have the same issues with a meerkat but people weren't really ok with a little girl walking a snapping turtle around the neighbourhood.
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    @awesomeest eh? Were they that bad? My family is pretty much just a few gens out of Europe, both sides. I know these kkk types hate anyone who isn’t fully descent from Anglo Plymouth Rock pilgrims, so they’d definitely hate me lol
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    @TeachMeCode i figure im safe from most standardised population culling. Though I am white af, blonde with blue eyes, typically anyone handicapped and/or genetic issues (adhd... autism...etc) would be disposed of. But i have a pile of skills/knowledge that is super practical (in the event of an apocalyptic reality). I know a bunch of things... like biochem, structural physics(not a front end game dev...so not typically helpful), Coefficients of Expansion of glass, and how to make glass, actual binary, and using hardware/creating drivers, etc. The list is pretty big.
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    @awesomeest did the tortoise u walked shit like this???

    Look at that BEAUTIFUL LOAD! It’s BIGGER than my char. I would be FIRST IN-LINE for dlc that lets u see constipated ogres being like screaming UUUUUUUUUAAAAAAARRRRRRGGUUUUUUHHRRRAAAAAGGGGGHHHHH loud enough to hear 2 miles away and knock trees down 😂 then violently toss their 50 lb turds at you
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    @TeachMeCode i walked a snapping turtle, not a tortoise.

    I was gonna suggest you go to a site called ratemypoo ...but it seems the name was purchased to funnel to a somewhat adjacent site that im pretty sure counts as porn.
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    @awesomeest lol not human feces, can’t stand seeing that lol.got bad acid reflux today, my volcanic stomach is brewin hot salsa and I want to keep it down 😁
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    @awesomeest it’s crazy, I’d MUCH rather see a large 3000 lb beast like a hippo spray it’s poop everywhere including on itself after eating tons of fish and antelope carcasses than a clean shit from a human. I could eat while watching that
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    @TeachMeCode make sure u stay away from @b2plane then
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    @TeachMeCode after having watched a lot of old british comedy I am of the opinion that brits are obsessed with sodomy, and humor about sodomy.
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    We’re long past due for a study to discover which species had the most lethal farts and biggest shits starting from earliest giant mammoths and 20 ft tall 2000lb baboons

    If only we can have irl Jurassic Park but with giant gorillas…a giant gorilla sniffing the pee from a female, then proceeds to climb a tree, swings from a branch and starts dropping turds to attract the female and defends its territory by ripping off the offending gorillas nutsack
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    @TeachMeCode they found a bird skeleton in new zealand that would have weighed over 200lbs. It be shitting things that might kill you from 1000 ft in the air.
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    @Demolishun a lot of things can kill u from that height... like a penny
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    @Demolishun it FLEW?????!!! At 200 lbs????
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    @TeachMeCode from what I saw/read yes. I took a dive into the thunderbird. Natives in north america said there was a bird that ate buffalo. People thought it was just a myth. Then someone found that skeleton in new zealand. Also, there are eagles currently in south america that grabs goats off of mountains. Not nearly 200lbs, but if you scaled that eagle up it would be very frightening.
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    @Demolishun OMG just had a tinnitus attack after reading this…IT WAS FUCKING REAL ðŸ˜ąðŸ˜ąðŸ˜ą THE BIRD WAS REAL!!!!! HOLY SHIT FUCKING MONSTER BIRD WAS REAL
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    @awesomeest would a cow dropped 1000 feet from this monster bird kill u too???
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    @Demolishun a lot of these “mythical” creatures aren’t “mythical”. It’s silly to think griffon existed but krakens were definitely more realistic imo.

    If you want to read horror stories read about creatures people found in the deep sea. I’m not talking about scientists looking for species im talking about people who had to be there for some reason and described these monstrous creatures who weren’t found by any scientist nor given a species name. Angler fish are least concern after reading what I read holy shit. There’s a whole freakish world down there that shares the same planet as us
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    @TeachMeCode yup... there's even a version of it on Ark. It's my favourite dino, 2nd fav is the turtles.
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    @TeachMeCode also, if youre main source for something existing is a personal account... there's a pretty solid chance it's fake. People make up shit all the time, often they even believe it themselves. My mom is a pro at that.
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    @awesomeest wait what Dino? I was talking about a bird, HUGE eagle that weighs 150lbs.

    Those sailors could’ve been right, if a giant bird could exist, why not a huge octopus. Then again why haven’t we seen any reports of these recently. It would’ve been hard for humans to hunt them to extinction without the tech we have today. A creature like that wouldn’t easily go extinct. Fuck they were real bc it’s cool if they were real. Damn logic, maybe they’re hiding…but from what. Sigh. We need to make them real lol. I want to see one …sigh
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    @awesomeest yeah I know birds are essentially dinosaurs lol.

    Speaking of prehistoric stuff I would like to know how much Neanderthal blood I have. My jaw is on the bigger side, plus adhd. I would be super shocked to be 100 percent homo sapien lol
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    @TeachMeCode so much of what you said is just wrong on multiple levels so idk where to even start.
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    Fuck it, sea monsters are sick I bet the hydra existed too and attacked ships like in god of war, we really need a remake on ps5 bc the opening scene with the ship attack amazed the hell out of me

    Damn that was sick when you impale one of the necks on the mast, and when the creature finally dies you have to go inside one of the heads to retrieve some key item lol. Fuck we need this game remakified
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    Learned a ton of Greek myth from god of war lol ok sorta…not really lol 😛
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    Has anyone actually opened a restaurant devoted to deep seafood?? I might as well, call it Captain Davie’s Deep Sea Shipyard with a huge 1000 lb shark on display with its mouth open as if ready to eat you. You can have your picture taken with the shark if you order the special angler fish sticks

    Nah seriously lol still would be interesting to see one
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    @TeachMeCode umm sharks arent really deep sea, nor are dolphins, tuna, most whales, sea turtles or really anything that occasionally needs air. There might be some sharks that are deep sea but not most.
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    @awesomeest they have seen sharks at the bottom of really deep places. Not sure how deep. So I think they can go pretty deep. Pacific octopus can go really deep too. Though they struggle to breath down there.

    Sharks have gills though.
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    @awesomeest should I also take the deep sea salmon and deep sea trout off the menu? Shit I’m gettin sued

    Hope no one sees the cans in the kitchen

    Sigh hopefully no one catches onto my mascot, Charlie the Angler
  • 2
    @Demolishun @TeachMeCode i looked it up cuz i couldn't think of the right words... only some sharks are deep sea creatures... the one's that have been typically caught for consumption arent deep sea creatures. This is mainly cuz catching deep sea creatures means extensive deep sea fishing methods, so it wouldn't be logically or monetarily good to have "deep sea" sharks as food.
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    @awesomeest that makes sense.
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    Ironically i CANNOT stand TUNA-FISH, you’d have to physically force that down my throat as the only possible way you can get me to eat tuna-fish, I respect people’s food choices and understand lots of people love it and it’s one of the healthiest things you can eat but my mouth is staying away from that and any other seafood from cans bc they stink like the fish was kept under a ship cabin for a long ass time.

    I have a friend who used to make it a lot and I had to literally endure the tuna-fish smell lol
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    @TeachMeCode so that is a "no" on the tuna peanut butter sandwich then?
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    @Demolishun I will NOT eat anything that’s even labeled tuna. If you tell me a piece of pork, beef I ate was actually tuna I’m running to the bathroom puking my guts out
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    @TeachMeCode I wonder if you are allergic.
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    @Demolishun from his last comment i doubt an allergy and would bet on psychosomatic intolerance.
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    @awesomeest @Demolishun I don’t have food allergies I just find it disgusting lol
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    @awesomeest @Demolishun then again all that mercury and dolphin would probably make me sick lol ðŸĪŠ kiddin

    I just find it the most repulsive food on the planet due to finding it repulsive when i was 9 and stayed out ever since. What’s even worse is seeing it sit out at sandwich places ðŸĪĒ

    Canned seafood is nasty bc it looks and smells like the fish was rotting in a ship cabin on a long sea voyage and eaten by cockroaches
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    @TeachMeCode you really should read messages before posting them... you literally just 'explained' finding something repulsive because it's repulsive.

    Side note, I assume you've never had good quality tuna sushi before. Aside from once every few years having an odd craving for a really specific tuna salad sandwich, I can't tolerate cooked tuna, fresh or canned. Tuna sushi (rolls, i find the texture unappealing otherwise), assuming it's fresh, quality and well prepared, is a totally different story.

    Im also curious what mercury you're referencing. Though there's definitely been plenty of mercury poisoning cases historically with seafood, the last person to mention "mercury" in fish to me was actually referring to iodine.
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    @awesomeest yeah true, i tend to sound silly when i post

    Sushi’s good, there’s tons of Japanese places here but i need quantity and it doesn’t fill me so I don’t usually get it and not really a fan of the extra stuff in bentos like tempura. Not a fan of imitation crab but I’ll eat the raw fish especially eel, salmon, and octopus. Other than that I’ll usually order pizza or mex. As for Chinese food that stuff burns my guts.

    What’s the specific tuna recipe you eat? Are you intolerant physically or you’re like me and simply don’t like it
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    Not a physical issue. This place by me makes a Dancing Roll. It's a combo of spicy tuna and salmon with a little crisp inside the roll and a bit of lobster salad on top, with a little slice of jalapeño(i normally dont eat it) and a dot of, i think, sriacha.

    Im totally gonna go get some now.
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    @TeachMeCode its normally prettier but i flipped it upside-down by mistake.
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    @awesomeest it’s really good but not enough calories that’s the issue for me. If they could only make burrito sized sushi rolls
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    @awesomeest what’s the calory count? I have all the energy in the world after eating a huge steak for some reason, or any other red meat. I don’t know why, I get more energy from binging on big foods like red meat and macaroni which you’d expect to wear me out. Then again I did say potatoes make me lethargic, which is true and I can’t figure myself out lol
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    @awesomeest anything with fresh meat, eggs, cheese and noodles that’s easy to chew (but I’ll still take steak from the flank or cows abdomen, not sure if it’s bc my own abdomal area is one of the biggest sources of discomfort lol) with a lot of herbs and spices is enough to win me lol

    I rarely eat veggies or fruits, I rely on men’s formula to cover those vitamins and minerals
  • 1
    @TeachMeCode dude... your body is gonna catch up with you, soon... i know your age. Then you're gonna have some massive issues that may make you adjacent to b2plane-- dysfunctional shitting habits. Vitamins aren't the only reason u need stuff like veg. Lack of fiber will fuck you up.

    Also, it's "calories" ("calorie" is non-plural form).
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    @awesomeest true. Both family sides are high longevity but there’s a lot of cancer and my great aunt lost most of her stomach from cancer, she died late almost 100 but not a good life quality.
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    @awesomeest adderall meds (mines extended release) supress my appetite somewhat, sometimes enough where I can avoid the omelet and potatoes everything covered in ketchup and settle with a boring oatmeal, which actually makes me feel rather good.

    Might even go for some grits with butter mmm
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    @TeachMeCode this gives me insight as to why millenials are the way they are.
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    @Demolishun @TeachMeCode
    Freshman yr(hs) i competed in Forensic speech, specifically, Extemporaneous.

    You drew 3 papers/questions chosing 1 to give a 7m editorial (factually supported opinion) speech. 30m from draw to delivering the speech. No talking to others, only had resources you lugged there.

    Our team had me (aka an engineer and networking pro who already built drivers/scripts so my palm treo's internet connected several devices, shocking competitors), but this was a dead zone, Beaverton, MI.

    The questions were anything, but often current events and/or politics. Every few tournaments thered be a round of atypical questions, often for the amusement of whoever ran the prep room.

    Speaking last, i got the worst choices. The best of the 3 was "Is Cartoon Network evil?". My answer is the same as now. Acknowledging the potential rationale for yes-- negative implications of overindulgence and adult content(adult swim), yet ultimately, no-- focusing the responsibility on parents.
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    @Demolishun back to prehistoric stuff imagine if other flying mammals besides bats existed like flying cats. I think cats have aerodynamic skeletons
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    @TeachMeCode look up the Jersey Devil. People have been seeing that since like the 1600s. I think it is some kind of bat thing.
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    @Demolishun you mean that thing from the pine barrens lol. It’s pretty cool. I’m not horribly far from sleepy hollow where the headless horseman is from. There’s local haystack rides where he chases you around Halloween
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    FUUUUCCCCKKKK ACID REFLUX IS KIILIING ME I only had some tomato sauce WTF cant I eat anything that isn’t bland ass cottage cheese
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    @awesomeest hey does alka seltzer enhance adhd meds or is it enhancing my digestive problems, been taking one alka daily for 7 yrs
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    Fuck the most acidic thing I had was tomato sauce with the spaghetti fucking guts are rallying
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    I’m late 30s and still lean and most of my body feels youthful without trying and my little man can still stand at attention without general hand’s intervention lol. But genetics put a curse on my guts and perhaps certain areas of my brain though adhd with adderall heightens my creativity big time lol
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    @TeachMeCode alkaseltzer isnt mean to be steadily taken.
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    @Demolishun @awesomeest
    Am I the only one who gets this pattern all the time with gpt

    ChatGPT-no can’t do (thing you can’t do)

    Me: ok any suggestions

    ChatGPT: Certainly! Try this method: *does (thing you can’t do)

    Me: but you just said I can’t do (thing you can’t do)

    ChatGPT: oh I apologize for the oversight….let me suggest (thing you can’t do)
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    @awesomeest do they serve crap stick at your local Vietnamese place

    lol this typo was all over the menu. I’ve seen it all across the Engrish subreddit as well 😁
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    @TeachMeCode no... but there's a relatively big company near-ish so a few exits away there's a giant billboard that has, in font thats 1/2 the width and 1/2 the height of the massive billboard, "FICK" in bright red... which is amusing since not only is "fick" german for fuck, the ad is only a few min away from the town where wangs is located... Frankenmuth, MI. The whole town is a major tourist attraction modelled to look like fake/old Bayern (in english, Bavaria, aka the southern part of germany that's the source of most of the crap Americans think of as german... lederhosen, etc... they are like a less annoying version of texas compared to the rest of the usa. They are 'bavarian' not german but technically are in germany).

    Basically, its hysterical that "FICK" is located next to the biggest 'german' tourist trap in America. I live right down the road cuz i like being able to go to the hotel/arcade/pools/etc and not need to converse with anyone. I just pretend i only speak german.
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    @awesomeest you’re the only reason I even heard of that place then again I’m 0 percent German. there’s a lot of Oktoberfests around my area and I’ve been to some but Germany is a huge country and theres probably Germans in that country who have no idea of what Oktoberfest is.

    I dunno, every house i visited owned by people at least half German had a cuckoo clock with some lumberjack doing a little dancy move with his blonde wife in front of a medieval house, it was the cutest thing ever
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    I’m a European mutt anyway which is why I look weird lol
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