
I made a password generator (pictured: light & dark theme variants)

  • 3
    Bug Report:

    The password in the white version is different from the black version. Please fix this as top priority

    For real though, looks slick, I like it
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    But can it run crysis?

    Also, I like the UI!
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    BUG-122432: major flaw in unlimitedness of characters.

    Unlimited maxed out at 2.14billion characters, please fix!
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    Is that Segoe UI?
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    Looks nice. Though I prefer less complicated looking advanced UIs [i.e. fewer elements].

    I'd consider a double-ended slider for lengths. Also, split the UI clearly into 2 parts: Output and Input. Split the Input into 2 clear groups: ranges and sets. Now it's ranges-sets-ranges again-output.
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    correct horse battery staple
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    add a button to generate a new password instead of this checkbox
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    @kiki Yes, it;s the default WinUI 3 font and colors
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    @netikras I played around with sliders, but didn't like how I had to do exact movements to get the numbers I wanted - nor did I like how the range was hard-limited (Perhaps you need a 256 character password for god knows why). I did like how they took up less space, however.

    I used the range-set-range format to hopefully split up the grid as it was confusing to the eyes to have a 4x4 of boxes.

    I probably could separate the output section, perhaps with just a simple line separator. The reasons I didn't are twofold. One, I was already short on space. Two, in simple mode, (the default) it is *only* output, so the output controls are separated that way.

    I'm still tweaking it, so I appreciate the good feedback!
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    @devRancid The checkbox is to enable the auto-regenerate when you make changes. The button is to manually generate a new one.
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    @C0D4 Yeah the unlimited box doesn't make much sense there, I should remove it
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    @AlgoRythm that's fair.
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    @netikras What do you think, with or without the text?
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    @AlgoRythm with. Except if the text box is disabled anyway. Otherwise ppl could try to put stuff in there.
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    Also, I wonder what the difference is between the “use this” boxes. Like, it randomly selects some of each right? Why seperate them by letters, digits and chars? Also would probably be nice to just tick boxes like “[a-z]” because, what are the odds I want all letters but “d” or something…
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    Fuck all passwords. Stop!

    Think of another way.
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    If you are still asking people for passwords in 2024 then you are the problem. Fuck you.
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    For the next project manager who asks you for a password field I give you my permission to stab him/her.

    You are now empowered.
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    @Grumpycat how do you authenticate then? Purely biometrics ?
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    @dder https://fortune.com/2023/10/...

    But this is probably too complicated and retarded too. I was hoping some smart person on dev rant could think of a better solution.

    I just know I am sick of the security theatre. Discuss.
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    @Grumpycat I can literally read the first line of the article, rest is paywalled. I agree we should develop something that authenticates users without them being able to duck up.
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    I want to log in one goddamn time in the morning then leave me the fuck alone. You know who the fuck I am.

    Stop asking me every 5 minutes.
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    @dder passcodes appears to be the newest fad that google has come up with. Just assign everyone on the planet a uuid. I don’t know 🤷‍♀️
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    @Grumpycat passkeys not passcodes…
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    @dder check out the fido alliance.
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    I’m aware, I even use yubikeys for 2FA.
    But as a user I can still fuck up by losing them.
    However as of now, I would prefer just facial recognition for everything everywhere. Or fingerprint or both for important stuff. Those are very hard for a user to fuck up
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    You can buy a usb fingerprint scanner for less than 10 bucks and windows hello supports it.
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    @Grumpycat name is appropriate. Biometrics are a fucked solution because if someone can emulate yours, there’s nothing you can do. You can’t reset your fingerprint. You’re just security compromised for the rest of your life.

    Passwords/ passphrases are the best and easiest solution. Your personal gripe with them means nothing.
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    @AlgoRythm Easily guessed by hackers. Nobody wants to use them.
    Doesn’t scale because now you need a minimum of 150 passwords all different. Bad solution.
    Look it up.
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    @Grumpycat password generators and managers solve literally all of those problems. Look it up.
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    @AlgoRythm so I need a password generator on my lg web os tv for hulu, netflix, paramount plus, max and a password manager too? I don’t think they have an app for that yet. I think you are deluding yourself. I may be wrong I will search for said app…
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    Yeah, not there yet. Just a bunch of stupid YouTube videos. Fail.
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    Biometrics are just one way the fido alliance are generating security tokens you can switch your tokens to another method at any time.
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    However, now several stupid cloud providers are each going to do it a different way so we are still fucked.

    Where are the monopolies when you need em. 😂
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    @Grumpycat Enter amazon cognito.
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    Huh, not even a blip on the radar yet.
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