

what the FUCK!!!???!!!??? IT WORKED YESTERDAY!!!!

Now the whole iOS build pipeline fails again complaining smth about distribution profiles. Then about certificates. And then it starts using a completely unrelated certificate and complaining that provisioning profile does not include it...

what the f...


  • 14
    "what the FUCK!!!???!!!??? IT WORKED YESTERDAY!!!!" - yes, but... that was yesterday?

    you're supposed to buy a new mac each day, you know.

    that's where the old adage comes from... "an apple a day..."
  • 5
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    It's Apple bruh... Just get rid of it and get a real computer
  • 2
    i remember dealing with exactly the same BS years ago. Funny to see, that this didn't change.
  • 4
    Wait until tomorrow, it will work again.
  • 1
    @TenHands I'd love to! But the client is in the States and they seem to need that iOS app pretty desperately...
  • 3
    user error
  • 2
    "Worked on my machine, yesterday..."

    That is your first mistake. It was never YOUR machine. The computer is pwned by the OS manufacturer.
  • 2
    @Demolishun it was not my machine. It's hosted by AWS
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    So much mac mimimi about something that’s a specific detail about iOS development.
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    haha building iOS apps, always a wonderful and pleasant experience
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    @fullstackcircus pleasant?

    fullstackclown or a fullstackmasochist?
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    Have you tried thinking different?
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    @cuddlyogre no, I tried to keep thinking the same. But I tried drinking different!
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    @netikras through your nose?
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    @electrineer Yes, But OUT, not IN. Is that not different enough?
  • 2
    Fuck Macs.
    I use my work laptop as a stepping stone about once a week. Can’t fucking stand the thing.
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    U had an xcode automatic update?
  • 0
    @devapsarl nope, just installed the new version from xip
  • 1
    @netikras you know.... youd save a bunch of time and tons of money if you did drink even more differently... just get one of the mini liquor bottles, open, and shove it like a drug mule.

    Maybe if you add some psychedelics it'll make more sense... it did wonders for me when dealing with asinine linux containers (on my verrrrry local metal, i dont trust 'the cloud').

    Ooo... linux was totally created on psychedelic drugs idk about iOS...

    @Lensflare ist Mac/iOS wie linux? Brauchst du drogen mit iOS dev auch???
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    @awesomeest nope, no drugs needed. It’s the most sane dev experience actually.
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    @Lensflare I'm really gonna have to keep in close contact with u when i finally get time to open that swift book... we shall see
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    @awesomeest sure. But if it’s a book, it’s probably outdated and not worth it. I recommend to use the excellent tutorials by Apple.
  • 1
    @Lensflare i dont have the patience and/or tolerance for tutorials... my learning methods are:

    -Manuals, not ones w/ 'practice' bs...Pref. the giant ~600+, bible-esq pages types. Outdated doesnt matter much for me.

    - looking at lots of code (preferably minus the comment stuff)

    - pocket guides (the O'Reilly ones tend to not annoy me)

    - (for applicable languages) manually going through the modules.

    - sometimes (rarely unless im trying to build my frame of ref to understand where normal people get lost) ill use google or chatGPT to double check the syntax or find the equivalent method or mod to install/use

    Ebooks take too long to read cuz id have to make my own interface, no scrolling, smooth transitions etc just immediately having the next page @ click. But i still prefer physical books.

    For all the international purchasing (mostly from factories) i do, i still insist they provide an actual doc/ spreadsheet which i tend to print and add to 3-hole binder for review.

    Im a dinosaur
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    @Lensflare i marked it but it seems to hand-holdy for me... id probably try for like 15m then get annoyed and just find some db of open source big-ish projects and flip through the code to learn it... tends to be way faster than stuff like that for me (especially if i script out the comment lines first... yes i have scripts that do that, aliased to cli format -bs /c ...works on urls too)

    Irl books are a bit easier to ignore the excess i dont want cuz my brain kinda auto formats them out anyways
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