
There’s something I gotta tell ya.
I posted this a while ago. This Friday, they removed a tumor from my lower lip. I never had tumors before, let alone on my face.
I’ll know if it was malignant or not next Friday.

  • 2
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    Do you have a CRT?
  • 6
    Oh big oopsie. What do you think the odds are it was actually the monitor and not just random chance?
  • 0
    see the latest video of ActionLab in youtube. He makes a diy x-ray generator our of a wimshurst machine and a vacuum rectifier tube[~20€ on ebay]. I guess both high voltage and fast traveling electrons can bd found in a CRT. Especially an overclocked one.

  • 3
    Ow shit @kiki
    I hope it will be benign. There's already enough cancer in the world as it is, as my beloved will testify, there is no need for more .

    Hope everything will be ok.
  • 1
    Ugh, hope it’s benign and nothing to worry about.
  • 0
    Well, yeah, who would screw with a literal particle accelerator?
  • 1
    Best of luck, hopefully it's benign!!
  • 1
    Woah 😳
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