

  • 4
    Did it take your job?
  • 7
    Some future politician: I did not have sexual relations with that AI.
  • 1
    @cafecortado it might take my future job

    i am a student :)
  • 5
    Don't worry about Devin or any of the other AIs, it's a hypetrain. You wont be competing with AI, you will be competing with incompetent coders that use AI as a crutch. Which means they wont know half of the shit you'll know after uni and they will be much less successful on interviews since those are done face to face or over phone.

    As far as I can recommend, you should accept the tech and find a way to use it for your own benefit. Stay on top of things and you'll be fine. The hard truth is that the tech, no matter how primitive and overhyped, is here to stay and it has it's uses and benefits already, and you may only ignore it at your own peril
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    Devin’s a bitch!
  • 1
    I’m new to coding. I worry about artificial intelligence models taking over coding jobs.
    Paradoxically I’ve been using chat gpt a lot to teach me coding concepts and it’s been quite useful.
    As @hazard said, maybe instead of fighting against it, it can be used to one’s advantage
  • 1
    @fumey then program the models.
  • 2
    @kanyewest Garlic bread is the future. I've tasted it.
  • 0
    @Demolishun I’m still new to coding. I doubt I could manage to code a model. Could this be done with jQuery?
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    I don't know anything about it. I am learning some of this myself. I want to play with a chatbot in an rpg game.
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