Fuck! This shit is driving me crazy! I'm working day and night without any break just because my boss wants everything done yesterday. And even if I complete the project, there's always something more to do. It feels like I'm stuck in a hamster wheel that never stops spinning. Fuck this fucking fucked up situation! I need some goddamn sleep!

  • 3
    you've fallen for the trap of believing your boss saying it's an emergency instead of realizing he is to blame for planning so poorly and being totally chill and just working like you would've otherwise

    it should also be noted that people think vastly better when relaxed. I always thought this intuitively about myself but now that I've read a bunch of studies it's actually totally true

    and programming being a thinking job, when you can think well you generally can minimize your work through more clever / condensed designs or automate repeat tasks to give yourself a speed boost
  • 0
    Have you thought about saying “No”

    It’s useful, you should try it.
  • 1
    @jestdotty I agree. It feels like this emergency bullshit is how they get people to fix their "management" mistakes
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