
Three key traits of software developers are laziness, impatience and arrogance.

  • 5
    Insubordination and a puerile sense of humour are good too.
  • 4

    the three actual key traits of (good) software developers are: laziness
  • 1
    I might add a phone charged permanently at %10 to get callers to shut up.
  • 5
    You forgot masochist
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    @Lensflare we all work with corporate legacy, we're all getting fucked
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    @Lensflare hmmm I write everything in js, and I do enjoy getting chocked and pissed on my face
  • 1
    @tosensei yes. At a former imployer I had a task that took few days - reporting logbook or bottle counters. I had to connect to each one and cp the logs to one file. I was so mad after a few days doing that, that I drink a lot on Friday night and completely automated the procedure using C#.

    Also, lazy story (also happened after one week in a company) I automated a button press to open the door if it heard the doorbell. This was made by a servo and arduino. It was so annoying, nobody wanted to walk to the phone for opening the door.

    Both solutions was quite simple, but wtf. Why no one automated that stuff and I do it in one week.

    Passed both trial periods of course 😁
  • 0

    Why do you answer calls at all?
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