
I expect a feature where it says “90% of this meeting should have been an email instead!”

  • 9
    “How to get Amy to not speak during the entirety of a meeting” 😂
  • 5
    Most useless feature ever
  • 1
    If we could toggle the feature though... I've been in a few where that snarky popup was definitely in everyone's mind :P
  • 5
    They will invent anything just to avoid allowing the user to decide things.
  • 4
    What about people talking in sign language?
  • 6
    They will make their employees that haven't been laid off, work on useless features instead of fixing and improving their existing apps.
  • 6
  • 3
    omg my initial reaction is I love this feature

    thinking it was like a top score for how much talking you're doing during a meeting, therefore it would make people feel bad for not contributing or taking everything over and fix social shenanigans

    but no apparently it's a fart detector instead. I just went from excited to cringe. sigh.
  • 1
    Dafuq is Google Meet? 🤔
  • 0
    @usr--2ndry the good thing is then they have more to cleanup on top of the massive pile already.
  • 0
    This is sensible as more talking means more Audio has to be captured together with Video. No talking means static image can be displayed, talking and a live camera capture is also sent. Clever!
  • 2
    I’d rather it actually make the content of the meeting into and email it to me if I say I can’t make it (aka don’t want to go).
  • 5
    imagine you fart and your profile picture grows a little
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