So... I made a post last month about Portugal burning....
This month... Portugal has the worst drought in 80 years...
It has became so bad that animals are dying of hunger because there isn't anything to feed them, or thrist because there is no water...
Even water dams are empty...

Man... Is this the effect of climate change, or just bad luck?

  • 3
    Eu culpo a Madonna. Pensa nisso, desde que ela veio é só desgraças, nós até à Eurovisao ganhámos antes de ela vir 😀
  • 0
    Ahahah, no, it's Madonna bad karma, don't you want her back? 😄
  • 3
    Madonna the singer? From the nineties? Am I too old?
    Anyway she moved here, to Lisbon, and from that moment on, all sorts of disasters happened.
    (side note, it's the first time I noticed from your avatar you were a girl 😀)
  • 1
    Ahahah ok, now I feel old.
    It's OK, not your fault 😊
  • 1
    @nbamaral now that you say that it actually makes sense 😕😕😕 #takeherback 😈😈
  • 0
    #takeherback 😄
  • 2
    I know how it feels. Cape Town is also in a serious drought right now.
  • 0
    @ThatDude *is! Searched all your comments to fight you with your own weapons ;D
  • 1
    Both. Every country should have desalination plants though by now. We already know what's coming.
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