WhatsApp and Telegram should consider a feature to disable voice messages from all contacts or all contacts but close friends.

I'm getting tired of getting tech support requests from acquaintances I haven't hung out with in years but when these are too lazy even to type and I have to take type and listen to their muttered voice notes I get crazy

  • 7
    but without voice messages, how could they collect your voice prints for future use in speech synthesis when the tech-dystopia hits the next level?
  • 2
    Just record some techno babble as response. Or maybe just some full IT crowd episodes...
  • 5
    My response, letting them know I bill at $140/hr in half hour increments. Their account has been assessed a .5hr help ticket initialization line item. Help ticket initializations remain on the account until billed, but will never be billed alone.
  • 4
    i'm pretty sure a feature is comming soon where voice messages are automatically converted to text showing below the actual voice message.

    can't wait :)).
  • 1
    @jestdotty actually it really can't. Sometimes it's quite okay but it's super confusing when it gets things wrong. With non native speakers is messes shit up so badly you can't follow shit. Teams has the same feature and that is even far worse can't make out a single sentence.
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