It's almost weekend!

But wait! My colleague just changed some code in the production environment. Whoop! Guess what! It's broken now

Fuck you, stop bothering me. I have to celebrate weekend with non-existing friends.

  • 5
    Never ever change production unless you have time to verify before weekend.

    With the exception of if something is already broken.
  • 3
    You didn't touch it. Not your problem!
  • 7
    roll it back and deal with it monday

    pretty sure that was the whole point of versioning in the first place
  • 1
    @jestdotty Been telling him to use git properly and no commits to master directly without testing it. And no live hofixing on the production.

    I'm looking for a new job now
  • 2
    @d00td00t WTF!!!!! If I saw direct commits to master without testing i would chew that dev a new rectum. Do you guys have a PR process? A dev who can’t use git properly is a loose dangerous dog
  • 1
    he's a senior dev (and so am I), also he is in this team since the beginning and I joined last year.

    They can find me annoying, but they annoy the shit outta me. According to them I'm going too fast.... I want to change their slow way of working, because they still log in to each server to edit files and cronjobs.

    I LOL'd when I heard that and when they were against my ideas.

    There is a pr process, but they ignore it. Release it right away when a feature or fix is done.
  • 2
    @d00td00t wait complaining of going too fast but they rush changes? They got weird standards
  • 2

    one more funny thing... My changes needs to reviewed by him, afraid that I break their application.

    But yeah... he break things more than I do

    Manager told us a few times to review eachothers code and he never did let me and commits it directly to master.

    I might need to borrow some plastic crane and shove it up his ass
  • 4
    @d00td00t all I'm hearing is you're using git so you can roll it back perfectly fine

    play stupid games win stupid prizes
  • 0
    Code racers.
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