Hot Take
Eclipse IDE is a shit application

  • 0
    All developer tools are shit.

    Spend more time fighting with them than working.
  • 6
    Not a hot take at all. vscode >>> eclipse
  • 0
    @TeachMeCode vscode is by far worse than eclipse.
  • 6
    Nothing hot about it
  • 4
    Eclipse is garbage.
  • 3
    Eclipse still exists?
  • 1
    All IDEs are shit because it's a really hard task with not a lot of financial incentive and the expectations have been shifting constantly forever. It'll get better as we slowly come to an agreement as to what an IDE actually is and open source catches up to that agreement.
  • 2
    It's pretty sad though that the best standard the community could come up with is a gigantic pile of regex, and Microsoft is leading the effort for a unified language plugin system.
  • 0
    The best IDE or editor is the one you’re best at
  • 5
    This is most definitely not a hot take at all. All of us that have done something with Java and had to touch eclipse had absolutely hated it
  • 3
    Why does it still exist. Let vscode take over, let it replace Xcode as well. come on vscode.
  • 0
    @scout because if you ever work on a larger than average application, a web browser turned editor will choke pretty bad. And for most actual large Java (or ios/apple based ones since you mentioned Xcode) it will not just choke pretty bad, it would "choke on chode" pretty bad.

    As far as editing solutions go, vs code is pretty cool, but it ain't that guy just yet.
  • 2
    More like microwaved take.
  • 0
    I am displeased by the comments of many here.

    I get shit done in eclipse where others take hours figuring out.
    Because man, git operations take like forever in there if I may believe my struggling colleagues...
  • 0
    use neovim + nixos)))
  • 0
    It was shit and it remained shit. Hot take would be as in steamy hot pile of it!
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