Setting up ci/cd pipelines is like swimming through shit.

  • 5
    Even if you are successful, it still stinks!
  • 1
    I always love how microsoft azure plays in a part of ci/cd by creating a drag and drop job feature and configuration. You dont have to write a lot of yaml. But when it comes to writing yaml for Eks in Aws for github workflows i always pull my hair doing that.
  • 1
    you think so?

    which technology are you using?

    we're using gitlab, and CI is one of my favourite parts when setting up a new project.


    especially since i remember the dark times before ci, where the build and deployment process was not just completely undocumented, but also required arcane environment setups nobody was able to reproduce. for a project we inherited, we had to keep an old workstation alive and untouched just so it was _possible_ to ship the product. and i mean "spining-rust-instead-of-SSD"-old.
  • 1
    Hot shit with tetanus.

    I love what they're able to do, but configuring other people's systems is not something I enjoy
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