I still don't know what back-end vs front-end is. I have a hard time understanding terms like that when it comes to programming jobs; I just like to program. Could anyone help explain these to me and give examples?

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    What the average normie/client sees/uses usually the eyecandy stuff= frontend
    What it actually makes it work what the user wants = backend
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    Back-end generally speaking is server side so in the case of programming something like php or sql.

    Front-end generally speaking is client side so in the case of programming making the dom of a website for example.
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    What kind of programming do you do?
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    Think of fastfood chain. The frontend is the counter and the backend is the kitchen. Hope you get some idea from this. 😀
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    @localjoost @jAsE Mostly desktop apps, but I have been learning HTML and JavaScript/jQuery for the first time this semester at college and am enjoying it.
    I like knowing how to go about building my own websites now, although I have no domain to do so. Not the biggest fan of jQuery, but I guess it's starting to grow on me.

    My main languages are C# and Python I suppose.
    My first ever was Lua, thanks to a game called ROBLOX, almost a decade ago now. It was just their version of Lua though, so I'm not much good at using Lua on its own at the moment.
    Anyway, I really enjoy programming, finding and fixing bugs for people, etc. I'm not very good at selling myself though, so I doubt I will find a job in programming anytime soon, although it's all I want to do after working retail and food for 5 years straight. Not going back to that crap.

    Let me know if you have any other questions about what I like to do, or anything really. I've been lurking on devRant for a while, but I thought I'd say hi
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    I appreciate the answers thus far - they do help. The more answers I receive, the better, so I can properly comprehend this.
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    You should start googling your questions. It's much more effective
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    Front end = barber / stylist.

    Back end = proctologist / gastroenterologist
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