love people who comment on shit (blog, website, saas product) when they have never built anything of the sort themselves


  • 1
    I'd happily shit on your products.. give me the link
  • 3
    To be fair, you can‘t expect people to be allowed to judge something only if they made it themselves once.

    Lemme give you an example:

    Your car stopped working? Have you ever built a car by yourself? No? Then you are not allowed to comment.
  • 0
    @Lensflare my post was poorly worded: i meant rubes (like sidtheitkid) who shit on products without having built anything similar themselves
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    @fullstackcircus Of course it was poorly worded, because there's less work and only more crying from your end.

    Be better or Get rekt, fam.
  • 2
    Like the gheymers that call developers lazy because the devs didn't implement said "feature" they go on about. "How hard is it anyway to make a single player game multiplayer? Lazy devs..."
  • 2
    @Demolishun insanely hard :)
  • 1
    That's a good point. Many people people never ever built anything cannot grasp the difficulty, hardwork and time it takes to build something.
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    @SidThelTGuy is this an anti-SidTheITGuy? 😂 now you know how toxic he is to the platform when someone has made a troll account
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    @Demolishun netcode Integration into the code, like sending every movement to a server to get broadcasted to the other players.

    Sound to me like the source code is full of old Spaghetti code, wiring in the network code is adding more to it.
  • 0
    I would also be happy if you know https://aarouteplanner.io and use it effectively.
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