

It seems this website is going in the direction of people asking questions about code or programming concepts. Though I think that we should help people I feel this really isn't the platform for doing so. There are platforms out there which are designed specifically for questions such as StackExchange. And though some of you might have qualms about SO or SE, it's still not a good enough excuse to clutter devrant with questions like those.

I think there should probably be a report option for rants (where we can specify reasons) at this point and probably more moderation required at this point as this platform is growing pretty rapidly.

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    @ClemFrieckie my post is specifically targeted at questions involving help for programming questions and "why doesn't this work" or "how do I implement this". Maybe you should read before making a comment, because I was quite specific.
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    @ClemFrieckie a question that involves discussion and not solving people's syntactical or homework problems.
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    We don’t allow code-specific questions and when we see them we remove them. As it stands, they make up a tiny percentage of rants anyway.
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    @dfox right okay, I didn't notice that they were being removed and it just seems like recently alot of the new people that join this platform are not really aware of what's allowed and what isn't. Do you have any rules written up for what's acceptable and what's not?
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