
Found this book in a garage sale in our country. It costs 1USD

This type of book or any modern related programming book is rare in our country.

  • 1
    There are plenty of "new"-ish books on sale on second-hand book stores online, for similar prices (delivery will be more expensive than the book). But if you're looking for a good book that's more than 2 years old, and are on a budget - that is the way to go.

    And if you don't mind electronic books, then you MUST definitely check out https://packtpub.com/packt/offers/...

    Every day there is a free book giveaway. Most of them modern stuff.

    Or... you know ... hook and eyepatch never went out of style, if your budget is really low or can't find free or cheap books on what you want to learn.
  • 0
    @AndSoWeCode delivery is very expensive plus the customs which is also fcking expensive. I prefer the hardcopy of book because sometimes I write something in a particular topic.

    Btw, thanks for the input.
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    Lol @ low price edition. That's kind of on the nose.
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