
i fall in love with every software that have a purpose but an ugly UI and do the job well, devrant for example, how about you ?

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    man, I'm your guy, everything for an info and don't get me started on gdbnator, y'all are gorgeous, though not as much as vim
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    @kobenz how about hackernews
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    devRant doesn't have a bad UI. It is less maintained than it should be
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    @asgs maybe because you only see the good side: content + community so you don't much care about the design since you are using the app from long time i guess
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    @nebagec718 correct. That's why it is not bad. If it was, we wouldn't have come this far
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    @nebagec718 hacker news' great, so's devrant, in fact, maybe even better.
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    @asgs do you use devrant if it is new (built 1 year ago) with small community + ugly UI ?
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    @kobenz do you use any hackernews client mobile or web ?
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    Is that a trick question, @nebagec718 ?
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    @nebagec718 yeah. I am not a UI person at all. Anything usable is ok
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    I love DevRant's whimsical but low key style, and I think that from a usability perspective the UI is really good.
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    What do you not like about DevRant's design?
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    I have one complaint about the design, using the profile picture background colour for post backgrounds on web. The web post view is low key unreadable with any colour except the teal I'm using, but because the behaviour is different on mobile most users don't realize that their choice of background makes their posts unreadable on web.
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    @asgs because we are developers, every dev tool we use is ugly (ex: terminal)
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    @kobenz no but hackernews clients have a nice design with link preview
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    @lorentz i don't said that i don't like it but despite devrant's UI is ugly i like it because of the content + community
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    @nebagec718 ok so why do you think it's ugly?
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    @lorentz ugly in terms of UI everything else is fine
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    @nebagec718 I'd like to understand what aspect of it you find ugly, to contextualize my own taste because as a webdev I roll out a lot of UIs and sometimes the public opinion is surprising. I don't find it ugly, but I'm not attempting to dismiss your taste.
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    @nebagec718 ok, so, I don't use any client, I mean, I have a tiny cli I made for it, but that's it
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    @lorentz why? you must certainly should! Taste is irrelevant. golden rule, warms for dark, colds for light and grey's for transitions... Shit there's a hole body of work already done centuries ago just to solve that nagging issue
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    @lorentz what is surprising you from the public opinion ?
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