
Thanks, devRant, for invaluable lessons on how to handle online harassment. Now I have better chances of not making an internet punching bag out of myself when I’m famous.

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    Do you need some more bullying? I'm up for it if you want.
  • 4
    the best way to handle online harassment is to go offline.

    anyone who doesn't get this doesn't deserve an internet connection.
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    @aviophille and that's why we have wars. because there are individuals dumb enough to belive violence is ever a valid option to handle interpersonal differences.

    congratulations, you just outed yourself as the problem.

    also: the best solution for "burning your hands on a hot stove" is... "not touching a hot stove". maybe that's an analogy you might, with some effort, grasp. (pun semi-intended)
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    I bet that, after all these threats of violence, you are just some wimpy kid that would shit his undies in a real fight anyway.
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    You're a good person Kiki. Don't let your past define you. Most people on the internet are just noise, humans were never meant to be connected on this scale. It's like a drug for some :( And that makes people often unreasonable. You just have to feel out when to disengage, because just like you can't have a reasonable conversation with a coke addict while on coke, you probably can't do much about a person on the internet who's already high on his own ego or extremely emotional. They might seek conflict or validation and in both cases it's a dead end anyway
  • 2
    @aviophille " threatening violence is a natural response to abuse" - no. not for adult, responsible human beings.

    also "PERSONAL engineering choices"? they should never be personal. they should be professional. though i understand that this, as well, is a concept to difficult for you to understand in its entirety.
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    @aviophille have you considered the possibility that some choices are just objectively bad?

    try building a wood stove out of wood. then we'll talk.
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    @aviophille "You are a subhuman with a machine mind and no heart"

    "subhuman" - nah. just a regular homo sapiens sapiens. if you wanna make distinctions between different levels of quality of our species, please discuss this in the Adolf-Hitler-Fanclub, not here.

    "machine mind" - thanks for the compliment, i appreciate it.

    "no heart" - as much as i like transhumanism, and as cool as being a cyborg would be, i still posess a good, old-fashioned meatbased bloodpump.

    but speaking of: you really should go offline, i fear your blood pressure might be in the not-so-healthy range, the way you keep throwing your tantrum
  • 3
    @aviophille maybe i simply DO know better? thought about the possibility of someone being smarter than you before?

    i know, it's not in the dunning-kruger-guide to the galaxy, but...
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    @aviophille wow. such smarts. very mature.

    seriously, you should try working as a clown, you'd be famous in no time.
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    ^ Exhibit A
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    You realize that image you last posted describes 99% of your shitposts, right?
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    this is a very helpful platform.
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