I just shat my pants:

I accidentally typed "ebay.vom", and I was redirected to "navigation.nsgnav.com" before sending me to "ebay.com".

In that split second, I thought it redirected me to some "nsa.gov" server.

I almost set my laptop on fire and ran to Mexico.

  • 24
    thank god we have windows defender to protect against sketchy websites and their viruses🀣
  • 10
    @calmyourtities There’s nothing to fear when Microsoft is your faithful Sherpa of internets!
  • 7
    @jAsE I may or may not have perpetrated the greatest hack in the history of hackiness.

    (Heavy on the “not”.)
  • 21
    Don't worry subject #7163, we know you meant ebay.com, so we redirected you πŸ˜‰
  • 4
    @JoshBent *author deleted account*
  • 3
    @JoshBent really? You guys only tracked 7163 people out of the 7 billion :O
  • 2
    Chill, dude. Windows Firewall is defending you from all external eyeballs!
  • 4
    You're welcome in Mexico anytime, we can have tacos, beer and hack some things 😎
  • 0
    @gitpush come on dude you should know a random sample point doesn't define the bounds of the set!
  • 1
    Hey dude, i do not know what you are doing, but we do not want your shit in Mexico either, run to somewhere else.
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