So I decided to start learning vim.

The amount of times that I insert ":wq" into my file!!

  • 2
    It interest me why most people choose Vim over Emacs nowadays? Not to imply any preference, just wondering. And I see most of the people use the terminal version of Vim.
  • 0
    @kpenc I'm really just following the crowd haha. The popularity of vim shows that it's good enough and from my experience so far it's awesome! I just obviously need to learn a bunch of commands to really speed things up though
  • 1
    @kpenc wait what, there's another version of vim?? I'm using the terminal one tho because I'm sshing into a remote server.
  • 4
    I personally never hooked on vim, not sure why. I use nano for editing configuration and the likes, the rest I just use gui editors.
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    @runfrodorun I think Org-mode alone is compelling enough to say emacs is my preference. Never found anything close to how intuitive planning with it is. This coming from someone who uses Evil-Mode
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    Emacs - GUI
    VIM - CLI

    CLI > GUI

    Thats why
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    @runfrodorun I would argue about the customizability and extensibility. In my opinion Elisp is much more valuable skill than Vimscript. That's because Lisp is one of the most powerful languages ever. I don't know, I used Vim before but since I picked up Emacs I can't use anything else.
  • 1
    Ah thanks for headsup!
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