You know what is really a dick move? It’s when devs start a literal timer once someone messages them, and once the timer is up, they read the message. Sometimes this can be like 30 minutes of minimum wait time for just a simple fucking question. This really pisses me off and speaks volumes to all the other devs (who they should actually make an attempt to collaborate with). Fucking inconsiderate assholes.

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    I am in the same room with my other devs. I am totally going to get one of those school timers and do this. Right in front of them. lol

    Yeah, it is a dick move.
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    womp womp
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    Using read receipts against oneself may serve as a dick move on itself. All I'm saying is it goes both ways.
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    I get it if they are busy - but a lot do it when they are free
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    I don't like name calling so I won't say what I was thinking.

    They're probably trying to finish their thoughts about a problem they're trying to solve so they have the capacity to help you.
    You're not a mind reader and can never know if they're *not* busy. They might need a piss or coffee or something. Or simply a break from 5 hours of code reading or meetings.

    People have boundaries so respect them - especially if you're asking for their time
  • 7

    Messages are asynchronous. If you send one, you're agreeing to the other party not being blocked by your request.

    If it's urgent, use a blocking communication method like zoom, a phone, or physically greeting them.
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    👆 this
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    @lungdart managers need to see this link
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    @MammaNeedHummus yeah makes sense but if they don’t respond to your simple question for hours but eagerly communicate with managers between then, I feel like that’s a kind of a problem
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    @shovethisrant The case you've just pinpointed is legit to get annoyed at! You'll have to communicate to them in a group chat that you've sent them a DM, then. Maybe this chat software, through which y'all are asking each other questions, is so inconveniencing that it shows no indication of a new message whatsoever while they are in the group channel? I just prefer digging into the direction of general UX firsthand.
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