
I was in McDonald's and annoyed to see queues for all the self-service machines. I noticed one of them had nobody queueing though. Several people walked up to it, looked for two seconds, then just walk away. So naturally I had a look myself, and I saw that it was just a string displaying a bit wrongly. Hah!

So I walk up, close that order then make my own. Nothing at all wrong with it, people just have no clue about how computers work. Nobody even tried pressing the buttons after seeing that.

Of course I put it back to the broken screen before I left. I like chaos.

  • 13
    It looks broken, must be broken.
    I can’t even read that error, so I’d probably use it anyway 😂
  • 16
    @C0D4 Hahaha, fair enough! That error message wouldn't scare you off if you could read it though. It just means that you've not made any input for too long, and asks if you'd like to cancel the current order or try again.

    It's a normal error message, literally just the display that put people off.
  • 8
    I hate the McDonald machines, I never find at what category I have to look for the stuff..
  • 20
    Korean Translation service:


    NEWPOS(R) - EFTK5000

    Waiting time expired
    Please press \"Try Again\" \"Quit\"

    Try Again Quit
  • 6
    @CozyPlanes xD I already translated in my comment, but yours looks nicer so I'll ++ :P
  • 4
    I love that you put it back to the error
  • 4
    I first thought it was in an English speaking country and I totally understood why people would avoid THAT.

    Now I get it.
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