Reddit-where everyone is better than you and you’re below average in everything you do.

  • 2
    I just keep getting redirected to r/verysmart for telling people they dumb so evidently not

    I got a script that deletes my comments that weren't terribly upvoted or downvoted, and the downvoted ones make me giggle
  • 5
    reddit is shit.

    But I like some of their subs. I love triggering people who like to check out where you post in other subs. One guy told me my reddit history gave him cancer, then told me he hopes I grow up some day. So I made meme about it in another sub and raked in the upvotes. lol
  • 2
    @jestdotty I got invited to r/ohbehave because I posted an Austin Powers reference once. There have been some others, but I cannot remember. I went looking for flat earth subs for fun, but all I could find was subs making fun of flat earth. Kinda hilarious.
  • 4
    There's always an Asian 8-year old who's better than you.
  • 1
    @SidTheITGuy I am going to start referring to someone who exhibits smart traits as having "asian drip".
  • 0
    @SidTheITGuy she benched 500lbs and got into Harvard at 8 years old
  • 0
    On Reddit, benching 500lbs and getting into an Ivy League is below average bc hey man I did that shit when I was 15. Im going to bang my hot wife in my billion dolla home man bc I’m god
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