
When you want to code but your day job keeps you from your true love

  • 4
    I know but gotta pay those bills until the side project generates enough revenue.
  • 3
    Time to make coding your day job, my friend
  • 0
    Too much feels. We 'll all make it 👍🏽
  • 0
    I want to day job, but my code keeps me from it. So being a programmer has it's own issues too.
  • 1
    @needsmoreimages but isn't it better to have tried it even If you would hate it. The feeling of not knowing and given up on a dream is probably worse.

    I'm having the same thoughts sometimes as I really badly want to work as a developer instead of what I'm doing know.
  • 1
    Have the same feeling, how i get by is to make small projects on my spare time to get some practice and use all my companies server resources to implement my projects.
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