
devRant has become such a dump. At this point I’m wondering when dfox and trogus are finally going to decide to pull the plug

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    dfox when he returns and sees what devrant has become:
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    @cafecortado haha exactly!
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    @jespersh 👀
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    How long till an open source version catches on..?
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    I think the problem with an open source option is at some point there's a cost... So someone's bank account is attached. Or it's all hooked up to free stuff...
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    @atheist if someone spins up a replacement, it doesn't matter that much if the server side is open source or not. It's more important that the hoster is somewhat trustworthy, and not e.g. the person/group who has been trolling here for a good while. Any person advertising an alternative should be scrutinised and not trusted blindly.
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    Everything becomes a dump….. eventually.
    So you have to reset every once in a while.
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    @electrineer Exactly why I would not take this bane upon myself, even if I had all resources. Too much bias was formed already in this head of yours truly... I'm certainly not recommending anyone to depend on a paying ability of a hobbyist, nor unproven administrative skills.

    All I ever could do is... a magazine on some fediverse thingie: https://kbin.melroy.org/m/drbboard - boring, isn't it? Maybe it can grow, with contributions to Mbin and enough activity. Maybe not, if moderation isn't picked soon! Still in this process...

    This made me think that we shouldn't even depend on a single community/group/magazine/whatever you call it. There could technically be a transition layer, integration between both. And then even if either devRant or new magazine falters, there could be a button/field that helps you switch to another one and move posts with you. Alas, at the moment, I'm not seeing an easy way, only workarounds.
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    at this point there are more rants about devRant's current state than actual rants lol.
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    @Slow-Yep your lingo sounds vaguely familiar
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    @black-kite who's the painting?
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    @avatarofkaine, the two faces of the schizophrenic chomos hater
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