I recently heard someone pronounce SQL as "Sequel". Is that actually the correct pronunciation? Have I been saying it wrong all those years?

  • 2
    Some people made it their slang word for MySQL, I don't think it's a thing.
  • 5
    I say them as separate letters, but idk what it's supposed to be 🤔
  • 2
    So if there's PSQL, would that be "prequel"? Lol jk. To each its own, like pronouncing gif
  • 2
    I think both sequel and esqiuel are correct
  • 1
    Depends if I want to be formal or if I'm not talking about PostgresQL.
  • 2
    I always thought sequel is a Microsoft pronunciation thing
  • 6
    If you search on devRant you will find multiple debates on this. They are all wrong. It's MyAssQuEll.
  • 3
    There is an older version of SQL called SEQUEL(so the prequel of SQL is SEQUEL)
  • 3
    They changed the name to SQL from Sequel because Sequel was already a trademark, so I guess the official pronunciation should be S Q L
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