
It's funny, whenever the subject of facebook vs privacy comes up (mostly I don't even initiate those convo's), people always start to defend facebook when I say that I THINK that facebook is build to get people addicted to it and get them to stay on facebook as long as possible.

Haha, one of facebook's early investers/ex facebook presidents said the following in an interview:

“It’s a social-validation feedback loop, exactly the kind of thing that a hacker like myself would come up with, because you’re exploiting a vulnerability in human psychology.”

So even an ex president of facebook is admitting this.

I also found the folloing a good one:

The underlying thought process while creating platforms like Facebook or Instagram is something like “How do we consume as much of your time and conscious attention as possible?”

Last but not least, the part I found the most scary:

“God only knows what it’s doing to our children’s brains.”

Yes, I find this scary.

Oh yeah and for the people who are going to call bullshit on this one, I've got one source and if you search engine on the title of that article then you'll find loads of websites having that story:


  • 8
    The ones who defend Facebook and co's privacy are all brainwashed
  • 5
    @ThatDude I still use fb, but for way other reasons.
  • 4
    @Alice I know, but in order to avoid a war on here with some people I chose my words carefully :)
    @ThatDude In the netherlands, about half the population uses it, same with whatsapp :/
  • 4
    @Alice I agree. I still did it for the reason I described :). And yup agreed yet again!
  • 6
    huh? I thought this was a commonly known fact? The whole industry is based on this... either they want you to always buy their products or to use their "products" forever
  • 6
    @theNox It is, only a lot of facebookers around me keep declining this. So I was quite happy to see this interview where this guy actually admits it :)
  • 1
    "ermagerd, facebook is so 2010... duuuh"
  • 1
    Okay but isnt this exactly what devrant is about 👀
  • 1
    @BindView Well it doesn't fit in the random section either... I found it worthy to rant about this on here so I did. Feel free to downvote as spam or not for me :). Although I do think this fits the world of technology, of which a lot is also ranted in general on here.
  • 2
    This describes pretty much why I always procrastinated creating an account for my mother.
  • 5
    @ThatDude what the hell is going on in Sweden? No one uses Facebook or WhatsApp?
  • 4
    @Awlex Omg same, but in the end I had to create it and my mom thinks it's important for her to be on fb (to spy on her colleagues or idk for what)
  • 2
    In my opinion, I feel that there is a decline in the use of Facebook. Nowadays, I see more of meme's shared instead of personal posts. And also, the trend seems have an increase in WhatsApp users. This is also the reason FB acquired WhatsApp as they must have identified the trend and potential.
  • 3
    #remindme to say hi to OP after next France's defeat at a major cup (btw, would be cool if we have such feature haha)
  • 2
    @gitpull Same. I got tired of seeing people's posts so I turned it into a sort of news feed for any pages I want to hear from, including local news outlets. Simplifies having to visit many different sites.
  • 3
    Used to use fb till a couple months ago...
    Realized I wasted a lot of time on it and it was like an addictive drug which made me feel better... but only temporarily, till I used it... after which, guilt of wasting such long time came over me...
    Deleted account... had some problem for a while... m fine now though ☺️☺️
    Glad I got out of that crap...

    I still use Whatsapp coz everyone does ☹️☹️😭😭
  • 0
    @linuxxx nah i mean dev🅱rant makes you addicted too
  • 0
    I use Facebook for easy logins on rest other sites.
  • 0
    @theNox In the end my mother made herself an account and nailed it to loose her credentials.
  • 1
    @linuxxx Did you hear about the leak of FB internal papers which spoke about how emotional unstable teenagers could be exploited for ads (by exposing to advertisers what facebook learned about their personality)?
  • 2
    That, but also for apps like github. If I delete my fb acc, also my apps will get useless.
    3rd reason I use fb is to trick smartphone apps. They require fb login XOR telephone number to create an account. (I am creating chat bots for clients who use these apps). And since I create new bots by creating accounts for them first, I choose the fb login method.
  • 2
    On one hand Facebook is Ironie. On the other it's even pure sarcasm. Social sarcasm. It consumes you while actually making fun of how easy it is to exploit you.

    It's a masterpiece of social engineering showing us the true responsibility every single one of us has, regarding our society.

    But, it also was one of the first approaches to bring us all together and it did well. Even for non-tech people. Don't forget that. It's not the best we can come up with, but could we assume to ever reach that noble goal? Nevertheless we have to take it further now and work on better alternatives.
  • 4
    @BindView Yup true :). @theCalcaholic Yeah read it, some of my friends who are into that area said "oh that's bad" and continued as if nothing ever happened 😠
  • 0
    @linuxxx You should look up the 'backfire effect' (psychological phenomenon). ;)

    Seems that you encounter it on a regular basis.
  • 2
    @wakazors Agreed :). The big difference for me is that devRant wasn't created to exploit the human brain and isn't directly integrated into prism.
  • 0
    @linuxxx Wasn't it? I think the basic social feedback loop is the same...
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