
A big development company needed summer interns, the job required java and the likes and it was the first big interview i've had. This wasn't a problem, i thought, until i got there. worth noting is that Im still in school and and the last time i used java extensivly was a year prior to the interview. I completly blanked on the, rather basic, questions. needless to say, I didnt get it.

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    Did you stall when they asked you? Usually they want to know if you know how you think and how well can you learn and adapt. Solving a task is a big bonus, of course but still.
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    @ArturS No that was the odd part really. I got a question about hashmaps, which i havent really used, but i started reasoning that if hashmaps is what i think it is, then the answer should be this because this and this. The answer was correct so I think I showed good readoning and logic.. But then i failed on the question of;

    class example{
    example(){} //constructor

    Is the constructor always invoked? I totally blanked and started blabbering just to say something. It was horrible
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