
Do you think a dual core laptop with 2gb RAM on it can run Ubuntu and Kali Linux? The solely purpose is for programming (ubuntu) and ethical hacking / penetration testing (linux) ?

tbh, I’m learning linux because I want to try a new OS. Any tips so that I can easily adapt to this OS?

PS. I know this is a googleable question but I just want a perspective from this community.

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    IMO you shouldn't learn Linux with Kali. It's a set of tools that you first have to understand. Just knowing how to use aircrack or Metasploit won't give you much knowledge about pentesting and even less about the GNU/Linux ecosystem. If you want to learn maybe try mint or pure Ubuntu and learn about the tools instead of going all in with Kali.

    JK. Just do what you want.
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    @dontPanic my plan is to learn first ubuntu. Then I will decide in the future if I’m going to learn Kali.

    It’s just I need to know if my hardware is capable to run them.
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    @m1ks Linux usually runs on almost every toaster quite fine. My ArchLinux+i3 gaps setup uses about 400MB when using some terminals only (text editing+music). So 2GB should be enough if you use some not ram hungry editors (whatever you use for programming). Also 2 cores should be enough. Maybe its a little slow but what do you expect?
    Can't really tell about Ubuntu. I once used it and destroyed it because the proprietary drivers were not available anymore after the update. Also I think it might use some more ram by default than 400MB. But learning Linux definitely is worth it in my opinion!
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    Oh and usually you'll find answers in the internet and there are many nice people that will help you for sure! There should also be some Linux tutorials on YouTube where you could just have a look at.
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    Sure that's enough for a linux system.
    You should not plan to use VMs on it, though, that would not be fun.
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    I'm running CentOS on an Atom powered Acer Netbook, so it is possible.
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    Just make sure that you got a lightweight desktop environment (lxde - lubuntu or xfce xubuntu).
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    You say "Ubuntu" and "Linux" as if Ubuntu is not Linux... D:
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    @DavidINC sorry. devRant dont allowed me to edit.
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    @m1ks nah it's fine, and I think the best way to learn Linux is just to install it and use it :D
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