Ugh, don't even get me started on the state of modern communication! It's like we're living in a world where everyone's attention span has been replaced by a goldfish. I mean, seriously, have you noticed how people can't seem to put down their phones for more than two seconds? It's like we're all addicted to this constant stream of mindless information, and it's driving me insane!

And don't even get me started on social media. It's a breeding ground for narcissism and superficiality. Everyone's so busy curating their perfect online personas that they've completely lost touch with reality. Likes, shares, and comments have become the currency of self-worth, and it's just pathetic.

And don't get me started on influencers. What exactly are they influencing, anyway? A generation of kids who think the height of success is being Insta-famous for doing absolutely nothing? It's a joke! We're valuing the wrong things in society, and it's messing with our priorities.

And let's talk about the sheer amount of misinformation out there. It's like we're drowning in a sea of fake news and alternative facts. Critical thinking seems to be a rare commodity these days, and people are just swallowing whatever narrative fits their preconceived notions. It's infuriating!

Oh, and let's not forget the endless stream of notifications. I miss the days when you could go for a walk without being bombarded by a constant barrage of beeps and vibrations. Can't we just have some peace and quiet for once?

I swear, if I have to endure another conversation where someone is more interested in their phone than what I'm saying, I'm going to lose it. We're losing touch with the real, meaningful connections that make life worthwhile, all in the name of technological progress. It's time for a reality check, people!

  • 2
    Who are you and how did you read my mind ;)
  • 1
    Hmm, looks generated. Not by chatGPT because some choice of words. But there's some structure
  • 1
    Hey Whoa !! I am an influencer and I'm trying to influence devs to write better code. Leave me be and let me determine my worth by the likes and comments I get on my YouTube channel.
  • 2
    I agree completely. I Really hope that it only looks so bad to us, because we engage with those people.

    Realistically There's 7.89B people on the world. The userbase of Instagram is 1.35 and userbase of tiktok is 1.5 (Reports for 2023)

    That means only about 19% of the population uses these services. But that doesn't account for bot accounts and alt accounts. Adjusted for bots (insta estimates 9% are bots, tiktok I cant find but they are reported to have massive bot Problems) it could realistically be 15% of population, still unaccounted for alt accounts...

    And of those not eveyone isn"chronically online", especially instagram has legit uses as an image Sharing and documenting site...

    So maybe we could drop this to 6-12% of population being as you described... Now that's a lot, but still just a (very loud) minority.

    So Im trying to stay catefully optimistic that this is not a runaway train and will stabilize soon.
  • 0
    @SidTheITGuy I've pretended once to be ostream coming out of the closet on your channel and you handled so very well 🤣
  • 1
    Yes this post is GPT generated with some tweaks perhaps. Hence not worth reading to me.
    Just as OP wants to denounce people’s intelligence going down the drain with social media, so is people’s ability to express themselves with their own words because of ChatGPT.
    I personally prefer reading someone’s authentic post with all its imperfections than some post resembling thousands of others even though it may contain some good arguments.
    Authenticity is what’s truly lacking these days
  • 1
    @black-kite amazing how much do not see this. Will recognition of AI be a generation thing?
  • 1
    @retoor It doesn't look generated to me. What are the clues that you use?

    I see way too many human-like features like saying "insta-famous", too many exclamation marks, but only at some pointes, pointing towards genuine emotion at those Segments. The rather good use of language is too good for a translator, but too little for an AI tried for writting like this...

    The paragraphing is quite similar to what I do, and It's good practice to split Information readably like that.

    Dunno, i've spoken to people that write like this before the whitepaper on GPT even came out.

    If there are some tell tale signs of this being AI generated I'd love to hear what they are.

    I'd also argue that It's dangerous to just brush off peoples posts and opinions as "AI generated" and that's probably going to be something we will have to battle with as a society now. We can't just assume that everyone that's well-spoken enough is "fake ans gay" essentially, that's setting a worrying precedence imo
  • 2
    @Hazarth Dude, now you sound like GPT generated, how about that
  • 1
    @SidTheITGuy Well that's exactly what I worry about!

    >:c but I spoke like this before gpt was cool
  • 0
    @Hazarth the text just bored me instant. Very unoriginal thoughts. So common. It's weird, but a trigger. Checked it now with https://copyleaks.com/ai-content-de... and all is AI. I'm just a talent
  • 1
    @retoor point taken, the ai content detector seems legit.

    It's creepy how naturally it looks. Maybe it's because It's not my native language, but it fooled me. :(
  • 1
    @retoor @hazarth
    I figured it was AI generated text by spotting some typical parts of sentences of other ai generated rants on devrant.
    "and don’t get me started on", "oh, and let’s not forget".
    More generally, the structured paragraphs, each making a distinct point of its own, separated by a line.
    And the conclusion: usually a lame punchline - in this case "it’s time for a reality check, people"
  • 0
    Too much text, resume to 20 words or less /s
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