Since most of the people around here can code decently well and also have the capacity and knowledge(imo) to trade stocks regularly, I'd like to know if anyone really does it?
Since I'm currently jobless, I have dabbled a bit in the share market and have been quite successful while following very specific rules, so I was curious if anyone has done/is doing this regularly as an alternative job/source for additional money!

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    I have personally no knowledge in the stockmarket and it feels more like gambling to me rather than fixed/safe passive income (demands also too much attention), so I never really put time towards learning or doing it, because I could always find something that is worth more my time than that imho. Also it would be too stressful to keep track of things and theres enough stress always to begin with, so adding on top isn't the best I could do.
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    https://brewdog.com/equityforpunks/ the only stocks worth having are beer...
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