
fadge. Can't work. when I see the world plunging into chaos. what's the point?

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    get off the internet then.
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    Read a historical novel about the middle ages or stone age. People weren't better off then.
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    @Hazarth easier said than done lol
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    @usr--2ndry well it's less about how miserable life can be rather than. And more "if I know things are gonna go bananas, why don't I ditch work and just do things for fun"
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    There is no point either way. Unless you're a humanitarian relief worker or i dunno a fucking heart surgeon, the thing you spend 8 hours a day on has zero meaning except for making someone at the top of the ladder rich. It's funny how we only realize that in face of mass violence and suffering. Anyway, the meaninglessness is liberating. Once you accept it you can make up your own rules to life and make your own meaning
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