
Windows: Hey dear we have got Windows 11 23H076yfuck_you4$ special security update for you which is
only 134546.9777TB

Me: Hey you're mad or what, can't you see I'm working on an important project...go away...shoo...

Windows: Ok, As you say,...

  • 2
    I read that as "24H7W_FuckYou"

    I love how Windows proceeds to restarting after indicating a progress of 30%

    By the way, our organization also manages the OS updates but fortunately I am on Ubuntu Linux
  • 2
    Typical windows
  • 1
    This update brings such exciting features as layers in MS Paint. Why a drawing program is updated with the same method involving a power cycle that's designed to update the kernel? Because fuck you, that's why!
  • 0
    Lucky, im on chromeos(chromebook) and Android, both Linux. So no more Updates BS from Windows(my old workstation still sits on win10).
  • 3
    @max19931 updates on windows would've been fine, if not for all this restart bullshit. Which is exactly the reason i switched to Linux years ago. Kept resetting days of work for no reason.
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    office365 would have not lost Office work. But no we need onprem data storage. Data loss my ass.
  • 1
    I love coming into work seeing that my VM was forcibly shut down due to a Windows update. I also love when I have to waste hours restoring that VM because something was corrupted because of that forced shutdown.

    Use hyperv you say.

    If I didn't get a bsod just trying to set up networking, I would. I would also love to use wsl and learn docker, but VirtualBox doesn't play well with hyperv. And I don't have days to troubleshoot when there's paying work waiting for me.
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    Lookup group policies / gpedit

    You can block Windows 11 and updates completely.
  • 0
    @IntrusionCM or just migrate to Linux, which many companies will go down to, because of the TPM requirement of win11 and the large scale renewal of Desktops required by it.
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