
If you ever get bored with how far Linux has come these days, there is a solution: BSD. That shit catapults you easily back by 25 years.

So if Arch isn't shitty enough for your desire as late born and you really want to know what a piece of crap Linux was in the late 90s, have a look at BSD.

  • 6
    I mean... stuff like FreeBSD boots you into a terminal. The much-hailed (in BSD-land) GhostBSD boots you into a desktop. A fucking bare-bone MATE desktop. That's already the biggest achievement in BSD-land after like 20 years of scratching their balls.

    Guess I'm spoiled by Mint.
  • 3
    DUDE! YOU STILL ALIVE! Was wondering about you the other day.

    I went straight from Linux and skipped BSD by going for BSOD running Windows.
  • 0
    Arch is fine
  • 0
    @ostream why three days? O.o
  • 0
    @ostream oh, I see
  • 0
    @ostream btw, I see you run Arch...
  • 3
    Considering that BSD, in particular FreeBSD is usually used in server space, the fact that it comes barebones seems pretty ok to me. Arch I have no idea it would be that way except for forcing users to learn how to read a manual, and the inner workings of setting up user accounts, partitions, setting up a proper desktop environment etc. The same thing can be said about the manual in BSD.

    I don't mind them, but now a days I usually go for something that I already know I can work with out the box such as Mint or Ubuntu. Ain't trying to spend too much time setting up a full environment.
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