
GraphQL and RestAPI are so different and GraphQL is too easy.

It took me 2 hours to figure out everything about githibAPI in REST. 😕😑😑😑😑😑

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    GraphQL is great, I'd kill for it to have more support. Trouble is even GitHub doesn't support it amazingly, there's no way to query events from the feed or notifications to my knowledge.
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    @boardfish yes. There’s no support for it.
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    @iamkrid I'd imagine that's because it's a bitch to implement compared to REST. REST is a piece of cake in both ASP.NET and RoR in my experience, but GraphQL is major effort for developers to make other devs' lives easier.
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    I mean. Not exactly. Mutation could do all the editing stuff. When it comes to wall feed, I don’t think GitHub has the REST API endpoint for that.
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    @iamkrid There's a REST endpoint, just not a GraphQL one.
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