Just learned the vue.js framework, which I think is really awesome - and now I gotta learn and work with WordPress for my current project. Oh the irony...

Hope WordPress isn't just as horrible as people on here make me think :(

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    I feel your pain...after using react for ages, now I have to work with jquery... and for WordPress it's just as horrible as people are describing it... I'm sorry
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    @korec You (have to) use jQuery to replace react? How the hell is that supposed to work?!

    I actually don't think jQuery is too bad, it's a nice library if you just need some basic DOM manipulation and other stuff like Ajax requests and so on - but it's in an entirely different ballpark than react, even if you use jQuery UI/mobile for SPA functionality ^^

    I mean, WTF :'D
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    Can safely call it a downgrade.
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    @21stCenturyJoku dude...first of all stop looking down on people... Secondly Im working on a site which was built earlier wothout using react, and now I have to use jQuery only...
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    @korec Mhm, on whom am I looking down? o.O
    Saying that jQuery is leagues behind frameworks and having to work with it is annoying shouldn't be offensive to anyone, I think?
    (with perhaps the exception being the jQuery Dev team)
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    @21stCenturyJoku Sorry man, I felt like you were trying to say I didnt know what I was doing
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    @korec Nah, sorry if it came across like that.
    Was more meant as a shocked "Going back from React to jQuery is an incredibly huge downgrade, WTF! My condolences." ^^
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    Oh but thats where you're wrong, Wordpress is much worse than you think it is. Can anybody say "outdated easily hackable password hashing with no official update to fix it for almost 10 years?"
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