
In Switzerland/Germany we have an abbreviation TEAM: "Toll Ein Anderer Macht's" which means "Hurray another one/stupid is doing all the work". I think that nails it.

  • 10
    And most of the time it's oneself to fix the mess..
  • 4
    Haha good one! De spruch merki mir.
  • 4
    @PonySlaystation wait are you from Switzerland?
  • 8
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    @PonySlaystation sehr guet, dä hett scho mängisch passt 😉
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    @needToRoll @PonySlaystation kennet dir no angeri us dr Schwiz hie uf devRant?
  • 4
    @2erXre5 awesänd.
  • 4
    @Wack great swiss devRant meetup here 😁
  • 3
    @2erXre5 there are more but I don't remember all of their names
  • 5
    We should communicate in english just to be fair to all non German users who read this rant IMO
  • 5
    @needToRoll well so far there isn't much content in the "discussion" anyways...
  • 2
    @2erXre5 I already knew of Wack and needToRoll, but I subscribed to about 2-3 more. I don't remember their usernames though...

    Probably a short search for "swiss" or "switzerland" will shop up more "cheeseRanters". 😂
  • 4
    @needToRoll Would also be fair to people who speak German but can't decipher what you guys are brabbling about 😁
  • 1
    Good one ! Never heard of it. Switzerland sucks for web dev anyway! Just came back from London... Not sure why :/
  • 1
    @dand Why does Switzerland suck for web dev in your opinion?
  • 2
    Good question, I've worked as a web dev in Switzerland and didn't have any troubles. On the other hand I can't compare it with another country.

    Just on the spot Cyon and Liip come to my mind, one is a hoster, the other an agency which both employ people contributing to the PHP source code, so there's some activity on that end...
  • 1
    Old school stuff all around. FTP deployments, no real dev workflow around, way too many wp/drupal builds, and a poor digital culture overall... Which leads to poor clients (creatively speaking). Anyway, I struggle to find anything good around here. Where should I look for good work? Any tips? I don't wanna move to Zurich... Heard it's the only decent place for Web dev around here..
  • 1
    @Wack I agree liip looks great.
  • 3
    Well then I kind of agree with you. There are a lot of companies just creating wordpress shit or using outdated tech. I once asked for a ssh access to deploy a page when working as a freelancer and their "cto" just sent me the logon credentials of his admin account at the hoster dto "do what I needed" turned out the hoster didn't offer ssh and I had to upload every thing using ftp. Fun times.
  • 3
    @Wack precisely. Stone age.
  • 3
    @dand btw. I got my first web dev job through yellowshark.com, they are recruters but as far as I could tell they knew what they where talking about (from a tec perspective) ans didn't just had a sheet with some buzzwords to ask you. On the other hand, that was like 7 years ago, so no idea if they are still good.
  • 5
    Schwiitzerdütsch in englische Communities isch aber nöd nett ;)
  • 1
    @Wack thanks for the tip man!
  • 1
    @dand Where are you based (city/town)?
  • 3
    @PonySlaystation French part. Close to Lausanne. I contacted liip when I came back but they do drupal in Lausanne.. Which was a no go for me to some extend. Don't want to spend my days doing cms stuff.. I don't mind travelling an hour on the train though ;)
  • 2
    @dand Too bad, we are in Uri. We do some innovative stuff with VR, use Angular4 and AngularJS and TypeScript. But there are still projects with CMS (we moved from WP to Craft) and all projects are FTP uploaded.

    But currentlx we are really small and except of the boss, everyone is parttime.
  • 2
    @PonySlaystation +1 for craft. Check the corcel package for Laravel this might sound sexy to you ;) well... At that rhythm, I'll be looking for freelance work next year. Let's keep in touch!
  • 2
    @dand Yeah good idea.
    I'm not a big fan of Laravel because I heard a lot that it's big and has a lot og overhead. For RESTful APIs we use Slimframework. It is really fast and quite easy to use and extend with middleware.

    Craft is great because it supports multi environment development, so you don't have to change settings for deployment on local, staging or production. 😎

    We are probably looking into using NodeJS for API stuff in the future, but it's still just an idea...

    When I was a freelancer, I sometimes found work on www.servish.ch but there is not a lot happening, especially not big projects.
  • 2
    @PonySlaystation I personally love Laravel. You can do pretty much anything with it. By the way, CraftCMS is built on top of Laravel, so some of the code you typing there is very similar to Laravel. Another Laravel-based CMS that got my attention was AsgardCMS. Check it out, the approach is interesting.

    As for APIs, did you check Lumen (aimed at creating api layers) ? It's also pretty good if you have experience with Laravel. Nodejs is an option, it's simply quite an effort to make those things secure. In my experience, security has very often been a blocker for nodejs. But I like it and I wish I could do more of it ;)

    You guys seem to do things well. That's as much I can say ;)
  • 2
    @dand Thanks! I will look into it. 😉
  • 5
    Ooh! Other swissgerman people!
    Hani jetzt fast nie dänkt!
  • 2
    Mir chönnted ja mal en Meetup Switzerland mache 😁
  • 1
    @PonySlaystation yep why not 😎
  • 3
    Wäre no cool, ih Han au sho über en devRant stand a de Zürich Game Show nöchsht Jahr denkt... Falls sie stattfindet!
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  • 3
    Bi au us dr schwiiz und cha das mit em FTP deployment und de nit existiernde Workflows nur bestätige.
  • 4
    I hate those people who don't take their part of responsibility. bunch of idiots 😠
  • 2
    Also leidlz is ja ganz lusdig bei eich midzumlesn, aba i glaab dass nua bayan und ösdareicha des ois entziffan kennan (olle andan ned) 😂😂 säibst i dua ma schwaa mid eng'am gschmadz 😉 aiso wos hoasd eig "mängisch"? 😂 @2erXre5 @PonySlaystation @Wack @needToRoll @Dollique @IamGay6969 @heyheni @Aaronmacaron
  • 1
    @moagggi mängisch == oft == often

    and I understand really well what you have written there 😉
  • 4
    mängisch = manchmal = sometimes
  • 1
    Agree with @heyheni
  • 1
    @heyheni @Wack was too my first impression, but depending on the context both is correct
  • 1
    @2erXre5 could you give an example, cause I can't think of one. I'd also say `mängisch` == `ab und zu` == `sometimes`
  • 1
    @Wack two examples then: 'mängisch bini truurig' which means 'sometimes I am sad' versus 'über das hani scho mängisch nachedänkt' which I would translate to 'something I've often thought about'
  • 0
    True, it depends where in the sentence it is.
  • 1
    @moagggi bin weder Bayer noch Schluchtenscheißer und ich verstehs trotzdem ^^
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