
I really wish every school curriculum made a basic programming class mandatory. At worst, it would give everyone somewhat of an idea of how computers work.

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    They've started teaching programming in primary schools in the UK which is pretty cool, they mostly use scratch with raspberry pi and python for the older classes.
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    Yeah what @Wozzah365 said, I left school 5 years ago in the UK and even then our compulsory IT classes contained a module on Python, gave everybody at least some idea of how the world works. It was rather funny watching the blonde tanned popular girls work out how to use a for loop hahahahaha
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    Some school boards in Canada are starting to make it mandatory, so it's happening.
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    @magis damn I left school 5 years ago and didn't get to use python :(. Closest I got was using MS Publisher to make a website. Like wtf?! Why publisher of all things??
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    @Wozza365 I didn't realise you could make a website in publisher! Hahaha
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    @magis yeah, but it looks awful and only works in IE -_- they never thought to teach us something semi useful like doing it in HTML. Would have been far better.
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