
1980s - This thing can store entire programs !!

2017 - This thing can't even store my git ignore !

(Still remember when my dad used to bring games for me in these floppy disks from his office and my pc had a floppy reader XD)

  • 8
    that moment when you realise you can archive and split large size files to fit multiple floppies
  • 13
    Your .gitignore is bigger than 1.44 mb?

    Sorry I know that wasn't the point ;)
  • 4
    Reminds me of the time I split a RAR archive (yes, I was still using this format back then, don't judge me :) into about 100 split archives to transfer something over from my fathers PC.

    We didn't even have a home network back then, or USB sticks because they were expensive as fuck, so this was the only option.
  • 0
  • 2
    I still have a usb floppy disk drive, I probably could still use it to backup files but as far as I see it they are too big to store too little
  • 1
    The size wasn't the main issue. Those crappy things were so unreliable that you never knew what happened when you put one in...
  • 6
    I was a kid..
    I really wanted to play GTA London and a friend from school had it.
    It weighted 100mb..
    I split it into 100 parts and transfered the game using 10 diskettes each time.
    The walk from my place to his was over a hour in each direction.
    I could visit him only once a day.
    Took me a week to transfer everything.
    GTA was good.
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